From the Mind of Horror Genius John Carpenter, You’ll Want to Keep an Eye on this Open World, First-Person Zombie Shooter Coming this Year – Who Needs Fallout or Days Gone?

Toxic Commando may just be the best horror game of 2024, thanks to a legendary Horror Director.


  • Despite many fans waiting for a Days Gone sequel, an even better offering may just be on the horizon.
  • The legendary Horror Director John Carpenter has provided inspiration for Toxic Commando and many fans can't believe it took this long for a game from him.
  • Whilst Carpenter is best known for his Horror Movie background, it may be his work with comic books that have provided source material.
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Whilst many fans are eagerly awaiting a sequel to the much-loved Days Gone game, there could be a new horror title on the horizon that could just prove to be more enjoyable. The promise of an open-world FPS zombie survival game is a prospect that many horror fans look forward to but when there is a legendary horror director attached to it, then that makes many people sit up and take notice.


Legendary Horror Director John Carpenter has inspired what could be this year’s best horror title in Toxic Commando. Aimed at those players who love over-the-top humour and classic 80’s horror cinema, this co-op game sees you team up with friends to blast away the swarms of zombies whose only goal is to eat you.

Could this be the best open-world survival horror game since Days Gone?

Days Gone
The Man, The Myth, The Legend. John Carpenter comes to the Games Industry.

The confirmation of the upcoming game from publisher Focus Entertainment confirms that the game will launch this year for PS5, Xbox Series S and PC, but sadly there is no official release date at this time. Much like Days Gone, the game is an open-world FPS however, unlike Days Gone, Toxic Commando has co-op action which means that you can bring friends in on this adventure.


Looking at the official trailer there are similarities that can be drawn between Days Gone and Toxic Commando in terms of the cinematics and indeed the look and feel of the game. The swarms of zombies descending on players are reminiscent of the zombie hordes that were encountered in the 2019 game.

Despite John Carpenter being well known as a Horror Legend, he has lent his wealth of knowledge to the Comic Book industry and some of his graphic novels have no doubt been used as source material for this upcoming Horror game. Indeed within John Carpenter’s Tales of Science Fiction series, there is a look at the coming apocalypse which could be where the idea for Toxic Commando stemmed from.

The background to the plot of Toxic Commando is that in an attempt to harness the power of the earth’s core, the experiment results in disaster unleashing the fury of the Sludge God. In an attempt to right the wrongs, the genius behind the experiment hires a highly-trained group of mercenaries to take care of the problem and that’s where you and your friends come in.


Much like Days Gone players will have the opportunity In Toxic Commando to upgrade their abilities and their weaponry as they take on the undead hordes which threaten existence. With the challenges facing players becoming increasingly hardcore, teams will have to embrace their inner commando to send the horrors they encounter back to hell.

For many horror fans, it has perhaps been a long time coming for a John Carpenter game and many will be hoping that it matches the legacy of the man himself. For a director who has such a rich history in the film industry, it is maybe strange that it has taken this long for Carpenter to lend his talents to the gaming industry and we look forward to seeing what he brings to the table.

Days Gone
With John Carpenter as inspiration, Toxic Commando could just be the Horror game of 2024.

There may be similarities to be drawn between Toxic Commando and Days Gone and that is inevitable with open-world FPS zombie survival games. The latter did have its fair share of bugs but that didn’t detract too much from the enjoyment of the game and we can only hope that Toxic Commando is as good as the trailer makes it out to be.


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Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 270

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.