How to Build the Best Character in the Finals Guide

Break into the arena with a unique playstyle.


  • All the classes have pros and cons.
  • Lights can be fast, while Heavies are the slowest.
  • Mediums stay the most balanced and versatile.
  • With several builds available, choose one that's unique to you.
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The Finals is an online first-person shooter that challenges your notions of a team-based objective game. In a way, it’s one of the more open-ended games that ask you to build and modify your playstyle methods that are unique to you. Whether you’re an experienced first-person shooter player or someone testing these waters for the first time, The Finals can feel challenging when it comes to choosing a particular play style.


In this guide, we’ve compiled a selection of builds for each of the three main classes, and how you can make the best of your character’s gadgets and abilities. There’s no one answer to a player’s style of gunplay, so feel free to switch up your style every now and then.

In case you’re completely new to the game and want to learn the basics, our beginner’s guide will certainly help you out. 


Light class – fast, annoying, and deadly

The Finals light
The Finals has a lot of potential for clever plays, and Light builds are all about that.

We won’t blame you if your first reaction is an eye roll every time you see more than one Light in your team of randoms. This class is probably the most fun to play with and can get from point A to point B in the fastest ways possible.

Except for their ridiculously low HP, most of what makes a Light build so deadly lies in the many weapons and gadgets available to them. Here are all the abilities, weapons, and gadgets you can use as a Light main:


  • Grappling Hook – this nifty tool quickly hooks you to any structure. Can be used while in combat as well as traversing. 
  • Evasive Dash – can be used in three successions, and swiftly moves you through a small distance.
  • Cloaking Device – for a brief moment of time, go invisible and bamboozle opponents. 


  • Revolver
  • SMG/Automatic Pistol
  • Sword
  • Suppressed Pistol
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Dagger
  • Throwing Knives

Gadgets (you can pick any three):

  • Goo Grenade
  • Flashbang
  • Glitch Grenade
  • Breaching Charge
  • Gas Grenade
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Thermal Vision
  • Frag Grenade
  • Motion Sensor
  • Pyro Grenade

Out of all the possible builds you can make out of these in The Finals, there’s one in particular that may put you at a tactical advantage. The silent and highly accurate V9S is a silent pistol resembling something straight from the Hitman games. If you’re up for a challenge and want to master your accuracy, Throwing Knives can also be your pick. 


Combine this with the Cloaking Device, and you have the potential to be a sneaky kill machine. As for your gadgets, pick the Stun Gun (this may take time to master, but completely worth it), Glitch Grenade, and Breach Charge. This makes for a versatile loadout. 

Medium class – reliable, versatile, and balanced

The Finals mediums
Mediums play the most versatile role in The Finals.

If you’re completely new to online shooters, a Medium build is likely your best choice. Mediums have the ability to play the most supportive role in the game without worrying about getting kills. While they lack a huge range of weaponry, their gadgets and abilities compensate for it pretty well. 

Whether you’re playing with randoms or teammates you know, picking a Medium build opens doors for versatile methods of playing a match in The Finals. Offensive, defensive, and supportive; Mediums fit the perfect balance in the game’s meta. Here’s all you can pick for a Medium character:



  • Guardian Turret – Sits in one place and stays on the lookout for enemies. When they’re spotted, it starts firing bullets. 
  • Healing Beam – Heals up teammates and makes sure you’re the reliable support in the group.
  • Recon Senses – This lets you sense enemies in your vicinity, even if they are behind solid structures.


  • Assault Rifles
  • Lever-Action Shotgun
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Riot Shield

Gadgets (you can pick any three):

  • Goo Grenade
  • Sonar Grenade
  • Flashbang
  • Breaching Charge
  • Gas Grenade
  • Gas Mine
  • Explosive Mine
  • Smoke Grenade
  • Frag Grenade
  • Defibrillator
  • Pyro Grenade
  • Zipline
  • Jump Pads
  • Glitch Trap
  • Tracking Dart
  • Night Vision
  • APS Turret

There are really no wrong choices with any kind of Medium builds. However, if you want to make the best out of your toolkit, it’s suggested that you equip the AKM or FCAR as your primary weapon. Both of these are powerful assault rifles with great damage potential. Equipping a Healing Beam ensures that you’re quickly able to heal teammates. 

Moreover, using the Defibrillator to revive statues of dead teammates is equally important. Add to this the Zipline and Gas Mine; you’re the most versatile player in the team, and maybe even in the entire match. 

Heavy class – tanky, slow, and holds its own

The Finals heavy
Heavy players are some of the most chaotic, and The Finals absolutely supports that.

The slowest of all three classes, Heavy characters can take a lot of damage in The Finals. Be it explosives, gas, flames, or melees; these characters are built to last. If you choose to play this playstyle, you’ll rely less on your teammates and be the person in the team with the highest chances of survivability.


Heavy builds can easily break structures, collapse buildings, and cause absolute havoc across the arena. Here’s everything you can equip for a Heavy build:


  • Charge ‘N’ Slam: For a few seconds, you dash through anything and anyone in front of you, breaking obstacles like they mean nothing to you.
  • Mesh Shield: This large holographic shield protects your front, and teammates can shoot through it. Feel free to move around while this is equipped.
  • Goo Gun: This weapon shoots blobs of sticky goo that sticks to surfaces. Get creative with this one! 


  • Sledgehammer
  • Light Machine Guns
  • Semi-Automatic Shotgun
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Flamethrower


  • RPG-7
  • Pyro Grenade
  • Goo Grenade
  • Flashbang
  • Frag Grenade
  • Barricade
  • Pyro Mine
  • Gas Grenade
  • Explosive Mine
  • Night Vision
  • Dome Shield
  • C4

Heavy, in my opinion, maybe the toughest class to master. However, it is also the most rewarding! With a massive HP and some of the coolest weapons on your side, a Heavy build can be unstoppable in the arena. Out of all the builds you can have with this one, here’s one that might take you to the heights. 

While it may be tempting to smash your way through walls (and people), it’s best to use the Mesh Shield as your ability to keep your guard up. Lewis Gun may be the most versatile and simple weapon to use as a Heavy main, and equipping yourself with enough C4s, Goo Grenades, and the highly reliable RPG-7; you’re a havoc machine in The Finals


Additional tips for building the best character in The Finals

At the end of the day, it’s really you who’s making all the difference. Hence, your personalized style matters a lot. A big tip to keep in mind would be to decide what kind of role you would like to play, and what mood you’re in. 

If today’s the day for maximum kills in The Finals and taking all that frustration out on pesky opponents trying to steal your objective, go for a Light build. From Throwing Knives to Snipers and silenced weapons, these characters have some of the best equipment in the game. Despite how little it has to do with capturing and holding an objective. 

However, if it’s your teammates’ lucky day and you’re feeling particularly helpful, take up the Medium or Heavy role. Keep in mind that Mediums can be both offensive and defensive. On the more defensive side, they can place turrets and mines, making the objective really tough to capture for your opponents. Secondly, being offensive can mean placing Jump Pads and Ziplines for your team to improve mobility. 


Finally, practicing Heavy can teach you a lot about the game’s extremely destructible environments and how you can make the best use of your loadout without worrying about your HP. What’s better than having an RPG as a side tool to your chaos? An extremely underrated play right now has to do with the Goo Gun. The clever thing can create barriers, stairs, block attacks, and so much more. 

Feel free to experiment and go crazy with ideas. After all, The Finals is a game that thrives on creative and destructive ideas. 

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Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 568

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.