How to Fix Payday 3 being Broken

Payday 3
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Payday 3 was finally launched on September 21st after a decade of waiting, and it was expected the highly-awaited game would be something extraordinary. However, it turned out to be quite the opposite of what players had anticipated.


The game arrived plagued with several issues, for example, long matchmaking times, server crashes, and other common issues.

These are the things no gamer wants to face when they are in the middle of high-stakes heists, but fortunately, there are a few ways players can remedy some of these issues.


Payday 3 Nebula Data Error Issue

Payday 3 has been plagued with countless issues since launch
Payday 3 has been plagued with countless issues since its launch.

It has been reported that Payday 3 has a Nebula data error. This problem mainly arises due to the account that players create when they first load the game up. The account links to that platform and then causes this error, preventing players from logging into the game.

Players can try to log in to the account that they made on the official website and then go and un-link the platform from the account. Players facing this problem can try it, but it is not certain if this method will work.

Although Starbreeze has said things have gotten better as they have resolved the issue and are working on stabilizing the experience, players still might face these problems and should try to use the above method to resolve them.


Also Read: Payday 3 Matchmaking Problems Get Resolved After Lackluster Launch

Every Error Players Have Experienced in Payday 3 So Far

Payday 3 players need to wait hours during matchmaking
Payday 3 players are waiting hours during matchmaking.

The majority of the players have been facing matchmaking issues in Payday 3. They need to wait for hours to get into the game, if they are even able to get in.

Players can exit matchmaking and try again to fix this. They can also close and restart the game to check its servers as it can be overloaded with lots of gamers trying to play.


Several players are also getting the “no network connection” error when they start up matchmaking. Players can restart their PC, PS5, or Xbox and see if it helps.

Players can also try adjusting antivirus or firewall settings on their system or resetting their router. This will make sure nothing system-specific is stopping the game from running.

Players are also facing unable to login and failed to fetch game config data issues among others in Payday 3
Players are unable to log in and fail to fetch game configuration data issues among others in Payday 3.

Players can also have some other errors in Payday 3 such as failing to fetch game config data, being unable to log in, or internal server error.


Such errors are caused if the servers are overloaded. These are internal issues and can only be fixed by the developers, although there is a method that players can try.

Also Read: Payday 3 Dataminers Uncover a Proposed Safehouse Mechanic

Players can go to the Steam library and select Payday 3. They can then go to Properties to access Installed Files and then select verify the integrity of game files.


If there are any problems with the installation or update of the game, this will help players to fix those and if these methods do not help, players should wait for a fix from developers.

What are your thoughts about all these technical issues in Payday 3? Are you playing the game? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 887

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.