“I didn’t think anyone would care”: Fair Play Star Phoebe Dynevor Calls Herself “Naïve” For Openly Dating Pete Davidson

Phoebe Dynevor hated the hounding paparazzi while she dated Pete Davidson, did not realize what she was getting herself into, till it was too late

Fair Play Star Phoebe Dynevor Calls Herself “Naïve” For Openly Dating Pete Davidson


  • Phoebe Dynevor called herself naive for dating Hollywood's serial dater Pete Davidson
  • The actress stated that she didn't realize anyone would care, but their relationship became the headline of nearly every magazine
  • Since then, she became extremely self-aware of her every move, both on the internet and in public
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The Bridgerton star Phoebe Dynevor called herself naive for dating Hollywood’s most famous serial dater and comedian, Pete Davidson. The actress dated the comedian for only six months, but the relationship is now immortalized on the pages of the internet thanks to Davidson’s high-profile serial dating history. Dynevor stated that she didn’t realize anyone would care, but people did end up caring, making their relationship the headline of nearly every magazine.

Phoebe Dynevor and Pete Davidson
Phoebe Dynevor and Pete Davidson

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Phoebe Dynever Didn’t Realize What Was She Getting Into

In the epic history of Pete Davidson‘s dating life, Phoebe Dynevor remains a significant name alongside Ariana Grande and Kim Kardashian. Although the pair only dated for six months in 2021, the media frenzy has kept it alive even today.


Dynevor had acquired her star status in Hollywood after the success of the Netflix series Bridgerton, the actress didn’t realize what ‘real’ fame was until she started publicly dating Davidson. Speaking with Elle recently, she revealed,

“It just goes back to being naïve—I didn’t think anyone would care,–I was just being a young woman and dating and somehow that provokes a conversation. There were lots of hard lessons I had to learn through basically just having a personal life. You realize, ‘Oh, I can’t live my life in the way that I used to. I have to keep my cards slightly closer to my chest.’ There was a time, for example, when I’d post anything on my Instagram, and now I’m very, very careful about what I put out into the world.”

Phoebe Dynevor
Phoebe Dynevor

The actress didn’t realize what she was getting into after the media began hounding her, keeping updates on her every move. To the extent that even mundane day-to-day activities proved to be extremely difficult for the actress to complete. Thus, she became extremely self-aware of her every move, both on the internet and in public.

Although she could not fathom the public’s fascination with the pair’s relationship, Dynevor is now completely used to the paparazzi and social media attention and the perils that come along with being a Hollywood celebrity.


Also Read: “We saw it immediately”: Bridgerton Star Phoebe Dynevor Had Given Up on Acting Before Netflix Show Helped Save Her Hollywood Dreams

Phoebe Dynevor’s Relationship With the Paparazzi While Dating Pete Davidson

Although Phoebe Dynevor does not have any complaints about her relationship with Davidson, at least not that is known yet. The only bitter experience that she remembers is with the hounding paparazzi. In the same Elle interview, she stated,

“This whole world that I was opened up to was really intimidating. Having men outside your house with cameras is super scary when you live on your own,” 

She then elaborated on what she had to endure while she was in this high-profile relationship by stating,


“There were men who would wait outside my house with cameras, and it was the same men a few times. I don’t want to go on the record and say that I was being stalked, but when you have paparazzi who are waiting outside your house, it definitely feels like that.”

phoebe dynevor gq
Phoebe Dynevor

This also came with the added trouble of many made-up stories and untrue narratives, which bothered her initially. However, later she learned a very valuable lesson, which is to let it go. She stated,

“People are going to make up whatever story that they want to make from a few pictures, that’s fine,–I had to learn to let things go and let it wash over my head instead of the normal reaction, which is to be like, ‘But that’s not true, and that didn’t happen.’ You have to let it go and focus on the work. I really am just here to act; I love my job so much, and it was weird for me that the attention was being taken away from my work.”

The actress is thus grateful for being able to learn from her mistakes early in her career rather than later. She is now prepared to face anything that is thrown at her.

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Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 959

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.