“I don’t want to f**k with my body like that”: Zoe Saldaña Admires Christian Bale But She Would Never Do What He Does For His Movies

Because the Guardians of the Galaxy star holds a view of ‘eating to live’ rather than ‘living to eat’!

zoe saldaña, christian bale


  • Christian Bale is known for his physical and mental transformations in his roles.
  • His meticulous preparations for his roles frequently become a topic of discussion.
  • Although Zoe Saldaña acknowledged admiring Bale’s dedication, she also stated that she could never commit to a role to the same extent.
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Acting is the art of being someone you are not. Some actors will go to any length to embody the characters they portray on the big screen. One of Hollywood’s most committed actors, Christian Bale, stands out as a paragon of physical and mental transformation. American Psycho was only the first of Bale’s numerous bodily metamorphoses undertaken in the name of art. 


His relentless approach to literally reshaping his body for his on-screen characters raises the bar so high that his intense preparations often become as much a topic of conversation as the films themselves. While fellow actors, like Zoe Saldaña, often express deep admiration for Bale’s dedication, they also acknowledge their personal limits.

Christian Bale is known for his physical and mental transformations in his roles.
Christian Bale in American Psycho | Lionsgate

For example, Saldaña herself has candidly spoken about steering clear of extreme weight fluctuations for a role. 


Zoe Saldaña’s Relatable Take on Health & Wellness 

Zoe Saldaña is a force to be reckoned with in the movie business. Not only is she known for her strong on-screen presence, but she is also a dedicated mother and the founder of the digital media platform BESE. With her positive attitude, transparency, and discipline, Saldaña has earned the admiration of many.

One aspect of her approach to her career sets her apart from many of her colleagues in the industry: she refuses to undergo drastic weight changes for a role. In a 2014 interview with Digital Spy, Saldaña expressed her aversion to the idea of drastically altering her body for a character

I don’t like to f**k with my body like that. I think it’s marvellous when actors do, but I know I don’t have it in me to not eat, or to over-eat. 

Although Zoe Saldaña acknowledged admiring Bale’s dedication, she also stated that she could never commit to a role to the same extent as he does.
Zoe Saldaña in Special Ops: Lioness | Paramount Network

The actress went on to admire actors like Christian Bale and Jared Leto, who undergo extreme transformations, but she very well knew it was not for her:


I really admire actors like Christian Bale and Jared Leto who go up and down, but they’re gifted, and once they’re done with that movie they go back and look like who they are. I don’t think that would happen to me.

Saldaña values her body’s natural balance and prefers a more sustainable approach to health and wellness. With regard to Bale, his physical changes over the years have been quite remarkable. However, the actor is aware of the bodily toll that his fitness regimen has taken on him. Bale remarked (Men’s Health):

I’ve become a little bit more boring now because I’m older and I feel like if I keep doing what I’ve done in the past I’m going to die. So, I’d prefer not to die. I can’t keep doing it. I really can’t. My mortality is staring me in the face.

Meanwhile, Saldaña’s perspective on health and wellness goes beyond aesthetics.

Nourishing Body & Mind: Zoe Saldaña’s Approach to Healthy Living

Zoe Saldaña has a deep understanding of the importance of listening to her body & maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Despite being in the spotlight, she would never succumb to the pressure of extreme dieting.


In an interview with Women’s Health,  the 46-year-old actress discussed her relationship with food and acknowledged that she had bought into the myth that being physically fit would make her more successful in other aspects of her life:

When I was younger, I was more strict. I felt I needed to control that part of my life in order to feel I was going to be successful at something — because we often equate success with our physical beauty. It’s so f— up!

In an interview with Women’s Health, Zoe Saldaña discussed her relationship with food
Zoe Saldaña in The Losers | Warner Bros. Pictures

As a former ballet dancer, the Guardians of the Galaxy actress has a deep appreciation for movement and physical activity:

I love having that kind of intimacy with my body and getting my body to do things I never thought I could do. 

Her philosophy is therefore quite apparent: she “tries not to deprive my body of anything”, as evidenced by her cravings for carbohydrates after a few days of eating only salads & protein (via Shape). She was further quoted as saying:


But when I eat everything in balance, I think less about food and more about everything else. It’s about eating to live, not living to eat.

What sets Saldaña apart is her acceptance of herself exactly as she is. She doesn’t strive for a specific image or conform to societal standards of beauty. Instead, she embraces her unique qualities & encourages others to do the same. Therefore, it’s about nourishing your body and mind and embracing who you are.


Written by Siddhika Prajapati

Articles Published: 1670

Between everyday normalities and supernatural abnormalities, Siddhika Prajapati finds the story in everything. Literature Honors Graduate and Post-Graduated in Journalism (from Delhi University), her undying need to deduce the extraordinary out of simplicity makes her a vibrant storyteller.

Serving as a Senior Entertainment Writer at Fandom Wire and having written over 1600 pieces, Siddhika has also worked with multiple clients and projects over the years, including Indian Express, India Today, and Outlook Group.

Who knows, maybe your next favorite persona on the screen will be crafted by her.