“This is incredibly bad taste”: IO Interactive in Hot Water For Implying Hitman’s Agent 47 Was Responsible For the Deaths of the Boeing Whistleblowers

"...This is a giant yikes from me."

Hitman Agent 47


  • Hitman developer joins in on a joke connecting Agent 47 and Boeing whistleblowers deaths but lands in hot war.
  • Gamers have said that they did not expect the developer to do something like this and called it out.
  • Two Boeing whistleblowers have died and there are several conspiracy theories about it.
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Hitman, the stealth game franchise created by IO Interactive, is one of the most popular stealth franchises out there. The game follows a contract killer named Agent 47, who goes around the world assassinating various targets that he is assigned by the International Contract Agency.


As much as fans love the game and have respect for the developer, it has landed in hot water after it allegedly implied that the fictional contract killer Agent 47 was behind the alleged killing of Boeing whistleblowers, as the airplane maker gets more entangled in controversy.

Hitman Developer Is Facing Criticism Over a Tweet

Hitman developer joins on the joke about Boeing but gets criticized.
Hitman developer joins on the joke about Boeing, but gets criticized.

For those unaware, the airplane manufacturing company has been surrounded by controversy after a quality inspector named John Barnett and Joshua Dean, a quality auditor, who worked at the company, alleged that it has been overlooking safety failings that could be “catastrophic.”


Both of these whistleblowers are now dead, and as per authorities, John Barnett died of a “self-inflicted gunshot wound.” Joshua Dean apparently died of health complications as he was diagnosed with pneumonia and MRSA. However, there are several conspiratorial theories about this that don’t need to be said out loud.

Now one might wonder how the developer landed in this. Here’s how. The developer quoted a post on X/Twitter from a user who joked about the untimely deaths of the whistleblowers and the Agent, calling him “employee of the year 2024” for the company. The developer joined in on this and stated:


Work has been good lately. Jokes aside, if Agent 47 was involved, he would not make it that obvious.

It may have been overlooked, but the developer kept on engaging with the users with more banter, and the alleged involvement of a video game character in real-life deaths did not sit right with many, and they called out the company.

Fans Are Not Okay With IO Interactive Regarding the Post

Gamers called out the company and said that they were disappointed.
Gamers called out the company and said that they were disappointed.

While it was just a “dark joke,” which is, believe it or not, way too common these days, it did not go unnoticed by the gamers who weren’t happy about the developer’s post. One gamer said they are disappointed in the company for this, while another added that it is “shameful.”

Several users wondered how the official account of a reputed company got clearance to tweet something like this and if the Agent himself was managing the account. Some were not able to believe what they were seeing.


One user said it is “insane” that a developer can joke about it, while another said it’s “incredibly bad taste.”


The commenting gamers are right, as someone has died in “real life,” and no matter what the allegations or the conspiracy theories imply, one should not be joking about it. Some took the “joke” like a joke, but many others say, “it is tasteless.”

What are your thoughts about IO Interactive’s joke? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 888

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.