“It’s a long story to cram into 4 episodes”: Horror Fans Are Worried After Watching Junji Ito’s Disturbing Uzumaki Trailer

Finally, Adult Swim is going to release Junji Ito's Uzumaki but it is only 4 episodes

Uzumaki Horror Series


  • Adult Swim has released the trailer of Junji Ito's Uzumaki, after 5 years and 3 delays.
  • After waiting for so long it is only 4 episodes for the series, and fans are showing frustrations and doubts regarding it.
  • It is not sure if this adaptation is going to give justice to Ito's work, having only 4 episodes does not seem very promising.
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The recently released trailer of Uzumaki by Adult Swim has stirred a mix of excitement and concern as well. The work of Junji Ito is known for its twisted plots and deeply disturbing visuals. Previous adaptations of Junji Ito’s have disappointed the fans as they could not capture the essence of Ito’s horror. The new trailer of Uzumaki is unique and visually striking, still, it is raising questions among the fans and they are particularly worried about the number of episodes it will have.

Uzumaki trailer from Adult Swim
Glimpse from the recently released trailer of Uzumaki | Adult Swim

The trailer looks promising, showing the eerie essence of Ito’s work. But will it be able to give justice to the storyline? By 4 episodes only? Questions are being raised among the fans. Uzumaki is a long story to cover, even if they have edited some of the parts, 4 episodes are still shockingly short for Uzumaki.

Major concerns among the fans. will Adult Swim be able to make it within 4 episodes?

From the very next moment, the trailer was released fans raised their doubts regarding the delays and its very short number of episodes.


It is quite hard to fit the whole story into 4 episodes, only Adult Swim knows how they have done it. The adaptation of Uzumaki has been delayed, it took them 5 years to make this happen. After this many delays and cancellations raising doubts is quite natural about whether this adaptation will fulfill the expectations or not.

Uzumaki manga published by Shogakukan
The horror of Uzumaki in manga | Shogakukan

Imagine the adaption of these details within 4 episodes, does not it look quite surprising? Only Adult Swim knows what they have made out of Ito’s legendary creations.

Why 4 episodes are not enough

Junji Ito’s works are a challenge to adapt to because their horror elements are complex are hard to build up for the screen. Particularly, Uzumaki is all about psychological horror and disturbing images. Especially its “The Spiral” consists of such complex horror elements that it already become a challenge to adapt.

Adult Swim's first look of Uzumaki
A glimpse from the first look of Uzumaki | Adult Swim

As previously mentioned this adaptation has been delayed a lot, so it is natural for the fans to become frustrated. After waiting for 5 years, they are being served with such a short length of the series, which is disappointing for them.

The stakes are high for the upcoming adaptations of Uzumaki, after being disappointed by previous adaptations of Ito’s works, it becomes a challenge for Adult Swim to give justice to Ito’s work. Fans are not afraid of the horrors in Uzumaki, rather they are scared of its 4 episodes because it is almost next to impossible to fit a slow-burn horror storyline like Uzumaki.

Though the trailer shows all the important elements of the storyline still the concerns from the fans are valid. As the release date approaches, all the horror fans will be watching closely, expecting that this adaptation of Junji Ito’s work can establish a different example than all the previous ones despite being exceptionally short in length.


Uzumaki is going to be released on 28th September on Toonami to be streamed.


Written by Suchetan Das

Articles Published: 6

Being from the literature background, Suchetan Das is always drafting something in his mind. He's often found to be an avid reader and watches anime and series to reduce stress. Basically, a writer, "Wrote, Write, Written, Writting, A Writer", he said when asked for a bio.