“It’s months and months and months of work”: Daniel Radcliffe Fans Will Respect 1 Harry Potter Movie Creature Even More When They Realize How Crazy Hard it Was to Create

Unveiling the magic that went behind the scenes of creating the Hippogriff from Harry Potter.

Harry Potter


  • While J.K. Rowling flawlessly penned the magical world of Harry Potter, it took months of meticulous work to turn it into reality.
  • Integration of Buckbeak the Hippogriff in Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Potter films was the hardest transition from concept to screen.
  • Blurring the line between fantasy and reality, it took the Harry Potter crew months to build the animatronic beast, instead of using CGI.
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From the enchanted realm of Hogwarts, several characters and beasts have caught people’s attention throughout the franchise. But one creature that captivated the hearts of fans worldwide, happens to be Buckbeak the Hippogriff. From its first meeting with Daniel Radcliffe’s Harry to helping Sirius Black escape, the majestic and mystical creature simply made fans fall in love with it. 

Daniel Radcliffe’s Harry with Buckbeak in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Daniel Radcliffe’s Harry with Buckbeak in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Warner Bros

Therefore, as fans delved deeper into the films, they simply wondered more about the creature and how the Harry Potter crew brought J.K. Rowling’s imagination to life. While most people believed that Buckbeak was merely a CGI creature, it turned out that the crew had meticulously built the animatronic beast over months. 

Animatronic Models of Buckbeak were Built for Daniel Radcliffe’s Films 

When Daniel Radcliffe‘s Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was adapted from the pages of J.K. Rowling’s enchanting novel, it had become a meticulous task for the crew, especially since they decided to build a realistic model of the Hippogriff, instead of relying on CGI. Drawing inspiration from Rowling’s vivid descriptions, the team thus embarked on a quest to not only meet but exceed fans’ expectations.


From conceptualization to execution, each feather and every detail of Buckbeak’s form demanded painstaking attention from the committed crew. Therefore, engineering the animatronic beast over months, the Harry Potter crew later airbrushed thousands of real feathers one by one onto the creature. Later on, snippets of the tiring process were shared online by Harry Potter and Wizarding World’s official Instagram accounts as a tribute. 

Buckbeak the Hippogriff in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Buckbeak the Hippogriff in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Warner Bros.

This Hippogriff is a functioning model. So this creature is basically a machine… when something actually has to move, it becomes quite difficult to manufacture. Every feather is cut individually, it’s colored individually, and glued on individually. We made three of these things. So it’s months and months and months of work for a large crew. 

But it’s the only way you can get something that actually moves like real flesh or like a real creature. The object of the exercise with any of these creatures is that it looks as real as possible, so that you can go totally close on it and it can be seen, you know 100 feet across on massive cinema screen in close up, and it’ll hold up.

The journey of bringing this mythical beast to the screen, in a lifelike manner was unlike any magic or illusion portrayed onscreen. It was undoubtedly a careful blend of creativity, technology, and sheer determination showcased by the crew, behind the scenes. Beginning with extensive research into anatomy and engineering, which served as the foundation for Buckbeak’s design, sculptors and digital artists later collaborated to breathe life into the creature.

Harry Potter Fans Will Gain Newfound Appreciation for the Crew and Buckbeak

While the process definitely took months to begin with, the result was the majestic Hippogriff that bowed down to Daniel Radcliffe’s Harry, much like people had imagined upon reading J.K. Rowling’s description of the creature in the novels. Therefore, now that the journey of Buckbeak’s creation has come to the spotlight, it is sure to evoke respect and wonder in equal measures, for seamlessly bridging the gap between fantasy and reality.


Meanwhile, capturing the essence of Buckbeak’s character and personality, while building the animatronic beast, is perhaps the reason that unknowingly caught the attention of Daniel Radcliffe’s fans. Although casual moviegoers have remained aloof from this meticulous process, it’s certain that even they have felt the grace, strength, and untamed wilderness of Buckbeak while watching the film. 

Daniel Radcliffe in a still from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Daniel Radcliffe in a still from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Warner Bros

So it seems that the Harry Potter crew were indeed right to depend on real-life engineering over CGI to bring Buckbeak to life. The crew’s commitment thus offered us authentic moments where the presence of the Hippogriff blurred the lines between reality and the wizarding universe. Whether soaring through the skies over the Forbidden Forest or helping Sirius Black escape, the intricacies of Buckbeak’s creation undoubtedly demand a respect for the unsung heroes who made the magic tangible.

Harry Potter films are available on Max. 


Written by Krittika Mukherjee

Articles Published: 1747

Krittika is a News Writer at FandomWire with 2 years of prior experience in lifestyle and web content writing. With her previous works available on HubPages and Medium, she has woven over 1700 stories with us, about fan-favorite actors, movies, and shows. Post-graduate in Journalism and Honors-graduate in English Literature, when this art enthusiast isn't crafting your next favorite article, she finds her escapism in coffee, fiction, and the Wizarding World.