“It’s safe to say Halo is dead and 343 killed it”: Xbox Fans are Never Happy as Microsoft Blow PlayStation Away With Ease at the Xbox Games Showcase

Halo fans are inconsolable at the moment.

343, xbox, playstation


  • Halo is a franchise that has become synonymous with Xbox over time.
  • The recent Xbox Games Showcase received immense appreciation from fans.
  • However, as per Halo fans, it was something to forget about as it didn't feature the FPS franchise.
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Halo is an exclusive franchise that has been behind a lot of success for Xbox. The 2024 Xbox Showcase was inarguably the best video game showcase so far. There were rumors about a new game in the franchise getting a reveal at the showcase but that wasn’t the case.


There was no mention of the personal franchise in the showcase, so fans of the Master Chief are livid. This shows that even after an immensely successful event, there is no pleasing Xbox fans, especially fans of Halo, who feel forsaken and betrayed.

Xbox Might Have Secured Its Well-Deserved Win Over PlayStation but Has Disappointed Halo Fans

Fans of the FPS video game series are running short on patience.
Fans of the FPS video game series are running short on patience.

The 2024 Xbox Games Showcase featured some incredible games, from remasters to reboots of fan-favorite classics like Perfect Dark. As expected, Xbox fans have taken over social media since the showcase broadcast and have been spared no opportunity to boast about upcoming titles. However, a subsection of Xbox fans who loved Halo felt left out.


These were fans of Halo, the video game company’s first-person shooter franchise, which has, over time, become synonymous with the Xbox brand. While this was partly because of the IP’s quality, it was also because Sony had no title that could come close to Halo.

Fans also agree that the franchise has been indispensable to Microsoft’s video game brand. They are now waiting eagerly for the showcase to have something from their favorite franchise:


But it now seems that Xbox has either given up on the franchise or has chosen not to reveal anything about it. And much like any other disappointed fanbase, this is what fans have to say about it:

However, there is a bright side to this showcase, which does not include anything related to Halo. That is because most Xbox fans can figure out a scenario where the showcase could have featured the franchise, but it would have been even more disappointing.


No Halo in the Xbox Games Showcase Is a Lot Better Than an Announcement About Halo Coming to Sony’s Consoles

Is the Halo franchise dead?
Is the Halo franchise dead?

Not long ago, rumors of various Xbox exclusives going multiplatform became a reality. The entire narrative also paved the way for rumors regarding Microsoft’s first-person shooter series to cross over to Sony, which had fans incredibly but rightly frustrated.

If an update had been given in the showcase regarding the next game in the series, it would have been metaphorical bloodshed if it were in development but was also coming to Sony’s consoles. So, in all fairness, things could have been worse for the franchise’s fans.

Additionally, while it is reasonable for the 343 video game franchise to feel disappointed after the recent showcase, all hope is not lost. That is because it might be the case that the upcoming title in the franchise needs some more time to cook before it can be revealed to fans who have been waiting for it.


What do you think of Microsoft skipping, arguably the most popular franchise in its showcase? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 422

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.