“Jane Foster and Heimdall will return”: Chris Hemsworth Will Fight Overpowered Gods in Thor 5 If the Latest MCU Rumors Are True

It’s like a reunion of old friends that we can’t wait to see on the big screen once again!

Jane Foster, Heimdall, Chris Hemsworth


  • Thor 5, starring Chris Hemsworth, may follow Thor’s efforts to prevent a cosmic showdown between New Asgard and Omnipotence City.
  • The buzz and expectation for the next movie have increased due to recent rumors that suggest Heimdall and Jane Foster will return.
  • Hercules and Thor’s daughter might feature in the upcoming flick, as suggested by Thor’s development in Thor: Love and Thunder.
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With the God of Thunder having starred in four MCU solo films already, everyone is looking forward to Thor 5. Introduced in Kenneth Branagh’s Thor (2011), Chris Hemsworth’s character became the first hero in the MCU timeline to play the lead in four solo films, the last release being 2022’s Thor: Love and Thunder. Thus, the rumors swirling around this forthcoming installment have us both excited and anxious about what’s to come. 


According to Marvel Updates, the upcoming film will follow Thor’s efforts to prevent a war between New Asgard and Omnipotence City. The idea of Thor being caught in the middle of a cosmic showdown between New Asgard and Omnipotence City is enough to make any fan’s heart race. We all know that Thor is no stranger to conflict, but this time, the stakes seem higher than ever. 

Thor 5, starring Chris Hemsworth, may follow Thor’s efforts to prevent a cosmic showdown between New Asgard and Omnipotence City.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor in The Avengers | Marvel Studios

And let’s not forget about the returning characters that are sure to shake things up in this movie—Jane Foster and Heimdall seem to be making a comeback!


Rumors Swirl: Chris Hemsworth’s Fate Against Overpowered Gods in Thor 5

Are you ready to charge headlong into the favorite Norse deity once again? If the swirling whispers from Marvel Updates are to be believed, Chris Hemsworth is gearing up to wield Mjölnir against overpowered deities in the highly-anticipated Thor 5.

According to the report, in the next chapter of our favorite hammer-wielding hero, Thor will be acting as a peacemaker rather than just swooping in to smack some baddies. Apparently, his mission will be to stop Omnipotence City and New Asgard from engaging in a full-blown divine brawl. 


Let us start by discussing New Asgard. These days, it is more than just a charming little Earthly tourist destination. It has flourished and grown under Thor’s watch, and now it appears to have enough clout to irritate certain celestial beings. Enter the cosmic hub of divinity and power, Omnipotence City.

The buzz and expectation for Thor 5 have increased due to recent rumors that suggest Heimdall and Jane Foster will return.
Chris Hemsworth in Thor: The Dark World | Marvel Studios

Imagine a place where deities from every corner of the cosmos relax and tell tales of their former days of smiting. Because these divine people are known to be possessive of their territory and authority, you can bet that there will be war.

In the midst of all this, who is caught? Our own Thor, indeed. However, he is not joining the fight by himself; he is bringing back a few fan favorites. According to the report, Jane Foster will be making an appearance as well. If our luck holds, we might even catch her swinging Mjölnir, giving us all those thrilling vibes once again.


And what about Heimdall, the Asgardian guardian of the Bifröst, All-knowing and all-seeing, who can sense trouble brewing from another universe? It appears that he will also be returning, which will come in very handy when the gods become irrationally angry.  

Though both of them are dead at this point in the MCU, Heimdall dying in Infinity War and Foster in Love and Thunder, it will be interesting to see how they bring them back.

Some Original Thor Characters Who Could Make a Comeback in Thor 5

First and foremost, if there is a Thor 5, Chris Hemsworth will definitely make a comeback.


There are a few returning characters who might make an appearance in a Love and Thunder sequel in addition to Thor, though nothing has been confirmed. Along with Korg, Valkyrie has grown to be an important ally of Thor. Thor: Love and Thunder featured Jaime Alexander as Sif (Asgardian warrior and Thor’s childhood friend), who was reintroduced and thus made her return possible.

Hercules and Thor’s daughter might feature in Thor 5, as suggested by the story’s development in Thor: Love and Thunder.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder | Marvel Studios

Furthermore, given the conclusion of Thor: Love and Thunder, Thor will most likely be seen with his adopted daughter Love, played by Hemsworth’s real-life daughter (India Hemsworth).

Also, Brett Goldstein’s Hercules return as a cameo was also alluded to in Thor: Love and Thunder. Given that he was portrayed as Thor’s adversary, Hercules may make a reappearance in the MCU with Thor 5. Since Hercules is back, it stands to reason that Russell Crowe’s Zeus would show up too—perhaps in a more solemn role now that he has reason to consider Thor an enemy.


Of course, the most significant casting concern for Thor 5 is whether Tom Hiddleston’s Loki will emerge from the multiverse to at last reconcile with his brother. The possibilities are endless, and we can’t wait to see how it all unfolds.

Overall, Thor 5 is shaping up to be a thrilling and epic addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With its mix of mythology, action, and humor, it promises to be a movie that will keep us on our toes from start to finish. Let’s just hope that the thunderbolt garnish doesn’t come crashing down on our heads.

Thor: Love and Thunder is streaming on Disney+.


Written by Siddhika Prajapati

Articles Published: 1662

Between everyday normalities and supernatural abnormalities, Siddhika Prajapati finds the story in everything. Literature Honors Graduate and Post-Graduated in Journalism (from Delhi University), her undying need to deduce the extraordinary out of simplicity makes her a vibrant storyteller.

Serving as a Senior Entertainment Writer at Fandom Wire and having written over 1600 pieces, Siddhika has also worked with multiple clients and projects over the years, including Indian Express, India Today, and Outlook Group.

Who knows, maybe your next favorite persona on the screen will be crafted by her.