Johan Pilestedt’s Dream Comes True as Helldivers 2 Joins the Pantheon of the PlayStation Gods Alongside God of War and The Last of Us

Helldivers 2 director Johan Pilestedt achieved his dream of his project being in the big leagues of PlayStation first-party games.

Helldivers 2, God of War and The Last of Us


  • Johan Pilestedt has achieved his childhood dream of Helldivers 2 being seen in the same league as other PlayStation exclusives.
  • Sony has put a lot of faith in Arrowhead Game Studios to deliver a great live service game and that gamble has paid off immensely.
  • The gaming community has spoken and given the incredible feedback, Helldivers 2 is a massive triumph for PlayStation 5 and on PC.
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Helldivers 2 was a great surprise from Arrowhead Game Studios and Sony Interactive Entertainment. The gaming community immediately fell in love with the live game, flaws and all, and was finally viewed in the same league as other major PlayStation franchises in a new banner.


Director Johan Pilestedt once mentioned it was his dream for his project to be recognized in the same caliber of quality despite being a live service game. The inclusion on the banner signifies that Sony has achieved the same success on multiplayer games as single-player titles.

Helldivers 2 Is an Official Hall of Famer From Sony

Sony has finally recognized the massive success of Helldivers 2 and included the game in the lineup banner.
Sony has finally recognized the massive success of Helldivers 2 and included the game in the lineup banner.

This is a dream come true for the director after briefly mentioning his aspiration of Helldivers 2 joining other PlayStation all-timer exclusives like The Last of Us and God of War franchises developed by first-party studios. The company finally gave the live service game the same level of attention by dropping a new banner featuring all of the great games they have published.


It is high time for the live game to get the recognition it deserves despite all the controversies and problems it has encountered. The company was renowned for making great single-player content but has proven it can do the same for multiplayer. The director never faltered, and was only motivated to keep improving the game, and being included in the banner was the reward for all of his sacrifices and hard work.

Perhaps this is an early indication that the company is interested in acquiring the independent game studio. Although that may seem unlikely, Pilestedt admitted he was fortunate to partner with Sony with this massive endeavor and benefitted from it greatly by incorporating the organizational structure that the company has implemented.


Sony Is Giving Helldivers 2 the Recognition It Deserves

Helldivers 2 can now stand alongside other great PlayStation games.
Helldivers 2 can now stand alongside other great PlayStation games.

Sony has released a handful of great first-party exclusives over the past few years and made the brave and bold step to share these titles to PC. Arrowhead Studios’ project was released on the same day for both PS5 and PC versions and the player count kept growing at an unprecedented rate which is a fine example of positive exclusivity.

It is also worth mentioning that the current status of the game is not the most ideal which is a major blow to the player count but the players of a rival platform are still interested and hope for an Xbox port soon. It is a testament to how well the game was received that it managed to intrigue users of a different platform.

This live project is the gold standard on how to handle the growing success of a live service game. Pilestedt envisioned the game to be about teamwork and players relying on allies in a mission and it speaks volumes for real-world application, Sony trusted Pilestedt to create a great game and he delivered tenfold.


Do you think Helldivers 2 deserves to be in the pantheon of Sony first-party games despite being a live service game? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 622

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.