“We are talking about making this more clear internally”: Johan Pilestedt Teases New Feature That’ll Make Helldivers 2’s War Effort a lot Easier

That'll make the fight for democracy a bit easier for Helldivers.

"We are talking about making this more clear internally": Johan Pilestedt Teases New Feature that'll Make Helldivers 2's War Effort a lot Easier


  • Supply lines in Helldivers 2 is simply a concept showcasing how the planets are connected with each other.
  • As on now, there are 253 planets in the game in 53 sectors with every single one featuring a different environment.
  • Planets in the Super Earth are infested by enemies called Terminids and Automatons whom Helldivers are suppose to finish off.
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The ongoing Galactic War in Helldivers 2 can be quite confusing, but Johan Pilestedt and the team are working on it. On the one hand, players have a flawless streak of liberating the planets, before suddenly they are taken over by Automatons, or Terminids, cutting the Helldivers’ hold on those planets. Though it is just the beginning and new factions might be lurking around, all of it is likely being choreographed by Game Master Joel.


Players might have heard about this concept called ‘Supply Lines’ that connects the Super Earth ecosystem. Until now, they haven’t been visible to the players so they have to take a guess about the concept as to how that works. But now they may be able to finally see it on the war table.

Johan Pilestedt And Team May Help Helldivers Better Navigate Super Earth

There are currently 253 planets featured in Super Earth.
There are currently 253 planets featured in Super Earth.

In a video shared over the social network X (formerly Twitter), a user tried to explain how these Supply Lines could look in the game. As we all know how Johan Pilestedt actively partakes in Helldivers 2 debates, and he again contributed to this post.


Johan Pilestedt writes,

It is surprisingly close to what we had in the game before. But we wanted to visualize all of the supply lines and it got way too cluttered. We are talking about making this more clear internally at the studio.

Hopefully, future updates may get to see visible supply lines before Helldivers dives into one of those hells infested by Terminids and Automatons.


That would be great actually if Arrowhead Game Studio is thinking about bringing the concept to life as some users weren’t even sure that a concept like that existed in the game.

In addition to that, it’ll also help Helldivers to weather the storm given the Galactic War becomes confusing at times.


However the developers are trying to incorporate this aspect, it may help declutter the game to understand things better.

Supply Lines Aren’t That Complex as They Appear on The Surface

Johan Pilestedt and the team might be working on Supply Lines visualization.
Johan Pilestedt and the team might be working on Supply Lines visualization.

To understand Supply Lines better, one user on Reddit dubbed ghoxen explained the concept in a detailed manner. He also mentioned a website that showcases Supply Lines and the status of the planets Helldivers are trying to liberate.


It’s a lengthy explanation but worth it if one truly wants to understand what goes behind those Supply Lines.

Galaxy War 102: supply lines & what happens to cut-off planets
byu/ghoxen inHelldivers

Attack of Terminids on a planet may cut off the link to other planets associated with it. However, when the bots attack one, the players are given a defence campaign instead.


The addition of visible supply lines would certainly assist the players in navigating through the Galactic War and making better strategies to defeat the stubborn enemies, especially when the rumors of Illuminate entering the game hover across the internet.

Do you think Supply Lines should be visualized in the game? Let us know in the comments section below.


Written by Anurag Batham

Articles Published: 319

Anurag Batham is a video games correspondent at FandomWire. With over two years of experience in writing for different industries, his past works show his passion for the metaverse and his awareness of the environment. He's always playing with ideas to turn them into captivating stories.

A gaming enthusiast who can prove it when you have a round of Call of Duty (COD) with him. And it may take more than a coffee with him if you are to talk to him about Marvel. One can find a reader in him who's always keen to perfect what he already knows and to learn everything new.