Leonardo DiCaprio’s $2.2 Billion Movie Started an Annoying Trend Before Marvel and DC’s Superhero Movies

Leonardo DiCaprio's $2.2 Billion Movie Started an Annoying Trend Before Marvel and DC's Superhero Movies
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Leonardo DiCaprio’s place among Hollywood’s elite was solidified with this $2.2 billion movie. Over two decades have passed since the movie first graced the silver screen, but its impact on cinema and Leonardo DiCaprio’s career continues to be felt.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio

The cinematic epic seamlessly blended history, romance, and breathtaking visual effects, creating a spectacle that captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. But it was also a trendsetter in Hollywood in another way. It became the first movie from one particular angle that later became quite frequent in Marvel and DC superhero movies.

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The Trend Set by Leonardo DiCaprio’s Critically and Financially Hit Movie

Leaks are ubiquitous in today’s digital age. Movie secrets and behind-the-scenes news started coming out at an ever-increasing rate because of the ability to spread information instantly. It feels like you already know all there is to know about a movie these days, even before you enter a theater.

However, the internet was still in its infancy compared to today’s digital landscape. And, James Cameron‘s directorial Titanic was the first movie to experience internet leaks from test screenings.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic (1997).
Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic (1997).

At IndieWire’s Beyond Fest panel, James Cameron opened up about how this blockbuster movie starring Kate Winslet along Leonardo DiCaprio got leaked from its test screening.


The first major leaks came on Titanic. Ain’t It Cool News? That’s the first time they started leaking information from test screenings, which was a big thing. But this was still where you thought you could sort of go out someplace and have like a little laboratory and get some market research.”

It was hard for him to interpret the data received from the feedback cards he was given after the leakage. However, the internet leak somehow helped Cameron realize that audiences were positive about the movie despite some bad press.

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Some Marvel and DC Superhero Movies That Experienced this Trend Set by Titanic

In recent years, the cloak of secrecy surrounding these blockbuster movies has been pierced by online leaks. And even mighty cinematic endeavors like Marvel and DC superhero movies are not immune to the perils of online leaks.


Despite being one of the top 10 highest-grossing movie franchises ever, X-Men Origins: Wolverine starring Hugh Jackman as the titular mutant superhero, faced an unfortunate setback. A near-complete version of the film found its way onto the internet a month before its official release.

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Marvel’s The Avengers also faced this situation. Despite this setback, it still went on to become a massive box-office success. Deadpool, which absolutely crushed expectations, saw this leaking culture when test footage was infamously leaked during San Diego Comic-Con in 2014.

While these leaks undoubtedly generate buzz and discussions among fans, this also raises problems for some small production houses as well.


Titanic is available for streaming on Paramount+.

Also Read: “You don’t make things easy on yourself!”: James Cameron Filmed 3 Avatar Movies Together For Continuity, Was Concerned About the Kids Ageing Out

Source: Indiewire

Prantik Prabal Roy

Written by Prantik Prabal Roy

Articles Published: 778

Prantik Prabal Roy is a content writer at FandomWire. With over three years of experience in content writing for various media houses, he takes great interest in telling stories about Hollywood celebrities and the world revolving around them. He has done his Master's in English literature and diploma course in journalism. Being a literature student, he has the ability to delve into the matter and analyse it thoroughly to give the readers a clear view on the specific topics.