Marvel Reveals Hellcat Is Iron Man’s New Lover

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Marvel writer Christopher Cantwell, who currently works on his ongoing series, reveals why he chose Hellcat as Iron Man’s love interest. Cantwell said that she is the perfect one for the hero, and in his interview, he said that pairing up Patsy Walker and Tony Stark is a great idea.


Fans know that Stark has been paired with several characters during his run in the Marvel Comics. His relationship with Pepper Potts became the most well-known as popularized in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But, in the comics, Tony has had relationships with characters that fans never expected, such as Janet Van Dyne.

Iron Man Meets Hellcat

Iron Man Hellcat


In Cantwell’s current project with artists Angel Unzueta and Cafu, Stark is paired up with Hellcat. Patsy Walker is a hero with near-superhuman physical power, including speed, agility, and reflexes. Those might make her sound like a badass, which she totally is, but she actually provides a more grounded relationship with Tony.

Marvel Comics has teased that the couple is getting married, and the writer furthermore shared about the future of Iron Man and Hellcat. Cantwell explained that Iron Man embarked on a cosmic expedition that turned him into an Iron God. This colossal change entailed a partner as grounded as Hellcat.

Iron Man Hellcat 2


On New Beginnings

He also added that Patsy is unaware of Tony’s past which gives them a beginning with a clean slate.

If I was going to take Tony on this cosmic odyssey, I wanted to pair him with someone as grounded as possible. Patsy has been very grounded and lucid much of the time. She’s also less familiar with Tony’s hijinks than say, Rhodey, so she has fresh eyes on Tony and forms her own opinions on why he is the way he is,” explained Cantwell.

The pair may not be an obvious choice for everyone, but their personalities balance each other out. It seems that the couple’s romance is here to stay, so fans better watch out for the next chapters of Iron Man and Hellcat’s story.


Written by Ariane Cruz

Articles Published: 2169

Ariane Cruz, Senior Content Writer. She has been contributing articles for FandomWire since 2021, mostly covering stories about geek pop culture. With a degree in Communication Arts, she has an in-depth knowledge of print and broadcast journalism. Her other works can also be seen on Screen Rant and CBR.