Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How to Beat The Lizard in ‘It Chose You’ Walkthrough

Another epic boss fight in the PlayStation 5 exclusive.

How to beat The lizard


  • After many hours into Marvel's Spider-Man 2, you can fight The Lizard.
  • Learn the timings to parry and dodge correctly.
  • The Symbiote Powers are your best friend.
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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has shown the player a ton in its story so far. From Miles’ worries about Martin Li to the symbiote saving Peter’s life after a deadly encounter with Kraven, the game is raising the stakes with each passing Story Mission.


One of the featured villains, The Lizard, comes into the story about 7 hours into the game. Dr. Connors is helping Harry maintain his condition at the Emily-May Foundation but after Kraven successfully turns him back into the monstrous reptile, it’s showtime for our Spider-Men. 

Fans have been waiting to fight The Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ever since the bombastic showcase with the Gameplay Reveal. If you’re having trouble defeating The Lizard, here is a comprehensive guide on how to beat The Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.


When Do You Face The Lizard In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Moments before The Lizard strikes Peter to begin the boss fight - How to Beat The Lizard
Moments before The Lizard strikes Peter to begin the boss fight

Teased in the post-credit scene of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, there is indeed a Dr. Curt Connors in the Insomniac Universe. Helping Norman Osborn find a cure for Harry but Connors has been caught by Kraven the Hunter. After transforming him back into The Lizard, Peter is trying to cure Dr. Connors once more. You finally catch up with The Lizard down at the sewers to start the Story Mission called “It Chose You”. 

Walking through a hidden underground Oscorp Lab, we learn more about Dr. Connors’ research on the symbiote. Once Peter finds the rock with a red swirl, the power goes out. As Peter is trying to bring the lab back online, The Lizard is lurking in the shadows before attacking Peter.

10 hours in and we’re finally facing The Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Only the second major boss fight in the game, the fight in “It Chose You” will offer one hell of a challenge. You might be wondering how to beat The Lizard. Even with the great powers of the symbiote, The Lizard does not go down easy. 


How To Beat The Lizard In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

The new crush attacks need to be dodged as they cannot be blocked or parried
The new crush attacks need to be dodged as they cannot be blocked or parried

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is testing all of your combat skills in this fight, especially your timing to parry and dodge attacks. At the start, The Lizard will lunge at you, causing a blue warning to appear around his head. These moves are called crush attacks which cannot be parried or blocked. You have to dodge these or take a significant amount of damage. 

Feel free to punch or web up The Lizard to deal some damage. When he starts to attack, parry at the moment you see a red warning above Peter’s head. After a successful parry, you can whale on The Lizard for a few punches. Be ready to parry another red warning attack or dodge an incoming blue warning attack. The Lizard will mix these attacks in but it’s usually two red warnings followed by the blue warning. 

You can use the symbiote abilities to help but I recommend saving them for the second phase of the fight. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 does give a checkpoint after each phase, so feel free to use the symbiote powers early if The Lizard is giving you trouble. The L1 + square, circle, triangle, or x buttons will do more damage to The Lizard than normal attacks.


Be mindful as the cooldown for these abilities is rather long. Another symbiote power to not forget about is the Symbiote Surge. By clicking your analog sticks (L3 + R3), unleash the symbiote’s full power onto The Lizard to reach the next phase.

Use the Symbiote Surge to defeat The Lizard quicker in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Use the Symbiote Surge to defeat The Lizard quicker in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

I recommend starting the second phase with the Symbiote Surge as The Lizard does not fight back as long as you keep attacking. Once the ability runs out, use any of the L1 + face buttons to your disposal. The Symbiote Punch (L1 + the square button) and Symbiote Strike (L1 + the triangle button) will do the most damage but the other abilities are good too.

If performed correctly, you can take The Lizard’s health bar to less than half (on Amazing difficulty). Remember to dodge blue warning attacks and parry the red attacks when you can. 


Be ready to use your focus meter to heal as soon as possible because The Lizard’s attacks are fast and deadly. If you save up two focus meter bars, you can perform a finisher on The Lizard, dealing tons of damage. How to beat The Lizard? We’re now half way through the fight.

Once the second phase is finished, it’s time for a chase sequence. Swing through the city as The Lizard is destroying buildings and throwing debris your way. This is the easiest part of this boss fight, so take a breath if the dodge/parry timings were giving you trouble.

Use the Web Wings when you gain enough height to keep the chase going. When you get close enough, a triangle prompt will appear. After smashing through a building, The Lizard will try to chomp Peter, causing the player to mash the square button to escape. 

A few quick time events will pop-up during The Lizard chase sequence
A few quick time events will pop-up during The Lizard chase sequence

As the chase continues, the police get involved and eventually, the Hunters and Kraven. Swing through the city and dodge attacks to meet the next triangle button prompt. When the hunters appear, hit the circle button quick time event to take out their vehicles. 

After the Hunters detain The Lizard briefly, he ascends the skyscraper. As Peter holds onto the chase, dodge incoming attacks with the circle button. A Hunter truck will constantly bounce back and forth, so be ready to dodge fast consecutive attacks. 

Once we reach the top, Kraven makes his appearance. Shooting explosive arrows into The Lizard, Peter makes his way down to try and give the antidote. After another unsuccessful attempt, Peter wakes up back in the sewers. The symbiote heals Peter’s broken arm and it’s time for the final phase of the boss fight with The Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Watch out for the new screeching crush attack by The Lizard
Watch out for the new screeching crush attack by The Lizard

A new crush attack The Lizard performs is a loud screeching sound, stunning Peter if you’re in the crossfire. Dodge these when the blue warning appears to prevent taking damage. Parrying red attacks won’t open The Lizard up to punches like before as he’ll throw more red attacks or throw the new blue attack your way.

Be ready to dodge or parry accordingly. He also has a new red warning attack with his tail. It’s a new timing to learn compared to his normal red attacks. The pattern of two red attacks then one blue does not apply here, so don’t rely on that information.

When The Lizard jumps on the wall, don’t chase after him as he’ll grab you and slam you against the wall, taking away a lot of your health. Instead, take a moment to web him up to prevent any counter attack. Then, you can web-strike and attack him before he falls back to the ground. There’s also these red doors that can be pulled with L1 + R1. If The Lizard happens to step on the doors, pull the doors to knock him down.


You can also use the webs when The Lizard is grounded to land some blows too. Do all the tricks as before with the symbiote powers and the Symbiote Surge. Parry his red attacks and dodge the blue ones. Take your time and don’t lose patience. If you have a bar of focus meter, use it to heal or save it for another bar to perform a finisher. 

When The Lizard’s health bar is depleted, Peter is able to inject him with the antidote, saving Dr. Connors. After the post-boss cutscene, you have now completed the “It Chose You” Story Mission, earning a silver trophy. There you have it, ‘how to beat The Lizard’ has become ‘I just beat The Lizard’.

Using Accessibility Options For The Lizard In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Slow down the action with Game Speed to perform parries easier
Slow down the action with Game Speed to perform parries easier

If parrying is not your strong suite, turn on game speed to slow down the action. Parrying may not be 100% required to defeat the boss as the Symbiote Powers will do half of the heavy lifting but it does make The Lizard fight easier. Slowing down time for those exact timings will make your experience more pleasant.


Other accessibility options such as QTE autocomplete and enhanced auto-aim are not as useful here. Turn them on to see if it will make The Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 fight easier but those options would only help during the chase scene.

Lastly, you can always change the difficulty if The Lizard’s attacks are dealing too much damage. Lowering the difficulty or editing the Challenge Level Modifiers (Enemy Health and Enemy Damage) will make the boss more manageable.

And that’s how to beat The Lizard. He’s another boss to look forward to in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Expect more fights with Kraven and Venom as you move along in the story. 


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Written by Travis Vuong

Articles Published: 103

Travis Vuong is a games journalist and content creator. He's been a YouTuber since 2008 and continues to create videos under the "tvsonicgaming" banner. All social media accounts and his podcast: