Monolith’s Wonder Woman Reportedly ‘In a troubled state’ According to Industry Insider Greg Miller, and it Looks Like Another Loss For DC Fans

Fans of Princess Diana are going to have to wait longer to experience a Wonder Woman game!

greg miller, wonder woman


  • Monolith Productions’ AAA Wonder Woman title is currently "troubled.”
  • This information comes from former IGN reporter Greg Miller’s Kinda Funny podcast when discussing predictions for the upcoming Summer Game Fest.
  • The game is going to include the proprietary Nemesis System Monolith developed for Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War.
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When it was first announced that a Wonder Woman game was in the works, the gaming community was divided. The Arkham series is one of the very few that can do justice to a superhero title, with others such as Avengers, Midnight Suns, and Suicide Squad completely missing the mark. 


The trepidation one may have felt for Wonder Woman was not unfounded, as news has revealed there may be trouble in Themyscira. If sources are to be believed, those who were looking forward to the game are in for a long wait. 

Wonder Woman Won’t Be Flying Onto Consoles and PC Anytime Soon

How will Wonder Woman deflect these shots?
How will Wonder Woman deflect these shots?

Game developments are bound to hit hurdles and challenges along the route to release. It’s more of a ‘when’ rather than an ‘if’, and what matters is how the studio can overcome the situation. The faster they can resolve the issue, the quicker the game can be brought to market. But, given the uncertainty of the current gaming industry, this is easier said than done. 


Summer Game Fest 2024 Predictions - Kinda Funny Gamescast

Such is the case with Wonder Woman, which was being developed by Monolith Productions. Best known for the Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War titles, the studio first announced its plans for a game featuring Princess Diana of Themyscira back in 2022.

The trailer is short with Queen Hippolyta requesting Diana to come back to their island home to defend it against an invading force. No release date was provided for the game and new information hints at a long wait time. This information comes from Greg Miller when speaking on his Kinda Funny podcast.


In the past year, cause I’ll leave it ambiguous, I have talked to an insider who was like, ‘This game’s troubled.’ That’s it, that’s all I’ll say. So I don’t hold out hope that it’s in a place to show something.

This detail was revealed when the speakers on the podcast were discussing their predictions for the upcoming Summer Game Fest. Given that there has been absolute radio silence regarding the game since the announcement trailer, we can assume there are significant challenges in place that are impeding Monolith’s progress and must be resolved.

Wonder Woman Would Bring Back the Nemesis System

The Nemesis System offered strategic options in gameplay.
The Nemesis System offered strategic options in gameplay.

Monolith’s Shadow of Mordor introduced a truly unique game mechanic: the Nemesis system. The feature made the game one of the more unique titles to be released at the time and also enhanced the experience for the player as it offered a new dimension to in-game events. 

Player actions within the game would be a contributing factor to how enemy factions in the world functioned. Taking out a target, threatening them, or losing against them in a fight would further weaken or embolden them, making them stronger and requiring a different approach to combat in a subsequent duel. 


Monolith had plans to bring this system to Wonder Woman as well, though the studio did not elaborate on how it would function. However, its implementation can truly shine only in open-world titles, so we can assume with some certainty that their new game would be free-roam as well. 

When do you think we will see some solid footage from the game? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 323

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.