9 Months On and We Still Know Nothing About the Hogwarts Legacy Spin-off Quidditch Game, and Fans Are Growing Impatient

Fans have been waiting long for an update.

hogwarts legacy


  • Hogwarts Legacy spinoff Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is still without an update.
  • Warner Bros. Games announced the game in April 2023.
  • The release date or platforms haven't been confirmed for the game yet.
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Warner Bros. Games recently revealed Hogwarts Legacy, the action role-playing title sold over 22 million copies, becoming the highest-selling title of the year. The game was released in February 2023 and soon impressed fans and critics with its open world, character and art design, and more.


Following the success of the game, Warner Bros. Games announced a Hogwarts Legacy spin-off title called Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions but nothing else has been known about the game since then and it has started to upset fans and they grow impatient by the minute.

Hogwarts Legacy Spin-off Quidditch Title Still Has No Substantial Update

There has been no update on the Hogwarts Legacy spinoff title Harry Potter Quidditch Champions since the announcement.
There has been no update on the Hogwarts Legacy spinoff title Harry Potter Quidditch Champions since the announcement.

Warner Bros. Games announced the stand-alone multiplayer Quidditch title back in April 2023 and revealed that the game is under development at Unbroken Studios and will be published by Warner Bros. Games under its Portkey Games label which also published Hogwarts Legacy. The game will see players play the iconic wizarding sport Quidditch with their friends or other players.


However, no other details about the game have been known other than that so far including the release window. Although it is stated on the official website that it will launch for both PC and console, the platforms haven’t been confirmed so far. Players have grown impatient to hear more about the game but even after nearly nine months, there has been no official information.

The president of WB Interactive Entertainment, David Haddad recently told Variety that they have no particular announcement for the game but they are working on the game to impress the fans, seemingly suggesting that the game might still be in development and there is still time before launch. He stated:

We don’t have any particular announcements on exactly how and when the Quidditch game is going to come to the market, but we are working to get it designed in a way just to delight fans.

Understandably, the company would like to keep mum about the game that is currently in development but giving players absolutely nothing about the game is tampering with their excitement for the title. The company could have at least given a potential release date and even if it was next year, players would have been happy to hear about it.


Moreover, the official website of the Hogwarts Legacy spin-off also states that the game has been in development for several games at the studio and it still hasn’t confirmed any platforms so it is possible that the game might not be complete yet.

The game’s playtest also began soon after it was announced and players can sign up via the website but currently, it seems to be only for PC and that also hints that developers still have playtests pending on consoles.

The game was announced back in April 2023 and fans are upset waiting for the release date.
The game was announced back in April 2023 and fans are upset waiting for the release date.

Some reports also surfaced last year, seemingly from players who participated in the playtest, revealing that the game is still “rough” with the complaints targeting microtransactions. The reason behind the developer not confirming the platforms for the game might be that it is trying to get the game run on last-gen consoles as well apart from the latest-gen.

There have been also rumors that Switch 2 might be released sometime this year and seeing how Hogwarts Legacy was released on Nintendo Switch, the developer could be waiting for Switch 2. No matter the reason, the scarcity of updates on the game has only worried the fans and upset them as the wait for the Quidditch game continues.

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Written by Rohit Tiwari

Articles Published: 785

Rohit Tiwari is a Gaming Journalist and Editor at FandomWire. With a Master's degree in Mass Communication, Rohit combines academic insight with a passion for the games and the stories they tell. He is an ardent supporter of Real Madrid and when he's not busy playing games, you'll find him reading or idolizing the GOAT Cristiano Ronaldo.