Naraka Bladepoint’s F2P Transition Criticized After Fans Believe it’s Causing the Devs to Ignore 1 of the Game’s Most Needed Features

If you're not a paying player, looks like there's not much in it for you.

naraka bladepoint


  • Players are unhappy with Naraka Bladepoint's shift towards monetized content over meaningful rewards.
  • Many fans feel the game has become less rewarding and engaging since it became free-to-play.
  • Without changes, the game risks losing its loyal player base due to dissatisfaction with current practices.
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Naraka Bladepoint, the Far East-themed battle royale, is experiencing some friction after turning free-to-play. Users aren’t happy with the direction the game’s been going since its transition, and as more speak up about it, it seems like the game might gradually be losing players.


No, it’s not the game’s combat or gameplay causing disappointment; in fact, it’s one of the reasons people are hesitant to let it go. Instead, it seems like the developer’s stinginess has become unbearable and hard to ignore.

Naraka Bladepoint Feels Unrewarding, Alleges Player

Naraka Bladepoint's developers have dropped the ball.
Naraka Bladepoint’s developers have dropped the ball.

Naraka Bladepoint became a free-to-play game on July 13, 2023, and it was released on the PS5 at the same time. Battle royales are plentiful in the gaming industry, but one of the game’s unique selling points was its melee-focused, unique combat.


Combine that with stunning Eastern-MMO-like graphics, and you’ll see why it has a modest but loyal fanbase.

Unfortunately, not all is going well over at the Bladepoint fandom. While it’s been almost a year since its transition from a paid game, it looks like the game has gone in a direction since then that has fans questioning their loyalty toward the game.

There has been a severe lack of in-game events/rewards recently.
byu/seraphimax inNarakaBladePoint


OP explains that the game had plentiful events and rewards that players could enjoy frequently until it went free-to-play, after which the game began taking a stingy direction.

Long events stretching for weeks but with meager rewards, frequent patches that only add paid shop items, and a battle pass that doesn’t feel worth grinding for; the complaints continue to grow. Essentially, the developers are more focused on adding monetized content to the game over anything else.

Is this just one player’s view, or do more people feel the same? We’ve seen how players feel about the game before, and according to these replies, it’s not much different. The Naraka Bladepoint developers need to take a serious look at how they’re managing the game.


Naraka Bladepoint Needs to Change or Risk Losing Players

Without change, the game might not last much longer.
Without change, the game is likely to not last much longer.

The post didn’t gain much traction, but the people who did reply mostly agreed with OP; the game has changed for the worse, and it’s not gone unnoticed.

Content monetization is the priority, and the players feel shafted. Even some characters aren’t getting the attention they deserve.

byu/seraphimax from discussion


One player mentions that they’ve already gone from a daily player to someone who visits when a new character drops by.

byu/seraphimax from discussion

It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that this user is just one of many others who do the same.


byu/seraphimax from discussion

Someone flat-out expresses their shock that the game still has players. Despite having great combat and mechanics, the technical performance was enough to turn the user away from the game.

The thread continues to gain comments that express similar sentiments. People are not happy, and the game needs to change.


If you play Naraka Bladepoint, what changes would you like to see made in the game’s reward system? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 338

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.