“Please stop…”: A New Enemy Has Raised Its Head in Helldivers 2, and This Time It’s Common Courtesy – Are the PC and PlayStation Communities Turning on One Another?

Some players don't want to share the good times.

"Please stop…": A New Enemy Has Raised Its Head in Helldivers 2, and This Time It's Common Courtesy - Are the PC and PlayStation Communities Turning on One Another?


  • Things are not all rainbows and butterflies over at Helldivers 2.
  • Some players are being rude and kicking others out of lobbies.
  • It is getting quite annoying for gamers who finally find a match only to get kicked out.
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Helldivers 2 is one of the most surprising hits of the year so far, as Arrowhead had to raise the maximum player cap to 800k because of the massive demand that it’s garnering across the globe. The co-op elements are some of the greatest put in a video game for quite some time, as players keep coming together to achieve a common goal and have a lot of fun in the process.


However, regardless of how great something is, there are always numerous individuals who like to ruin the experience for others, and this time, people are kicking others out of their lobbies, which is especially infuriating considering the server crashes that the title has been facing for the past few weeks.

Some Helldivers 2 Players Are Rudely Kicking Others Out of Their Lobbies

Things are turning a little negative over at Helldivers 2 as players seem to be gatekeeping lobbies.
Things are turning a little negative over at Helldivers 2, as players seem to be gatekeeping lobbies.

An annoyed Helldivers 2 player took to the game’s community subreddit and very politely addressed the gamers who rudely kick others out of their lobbies, seemingly gatekeeping them for their friends. The Reddit user asked these uncourteous individuals to “Please stop kicking” them out of games because, like the rest of the player base, they also “just want to play with a group,” which just seems awful as not everyone has a gang of friends who like to play video games.


It gets even worse because finding a game, regardless of whether on PlayStation or PC, has not exactly been easy since Arrowhead Game Studios launched its hit title earlier this month due to the servers constantly breaking down.

The post on the subreddit was also accompanied by a meme, which perfectly suggests a solution that these gatekeeping players can use to not make the Helldivers 2 experience horrible for the rest of the community. If someone wants to create a lobby that is made of very specific individuals or groups, then setting it “to private” would save others a lot of time and hope that they have finally found a playable match.

This way, random players will not be able to join the lobby, and they will be able to move on to the next one without having the fear of getting kicked out after a little while; it is just common courtesy.


Other Players Are Also Going Through This Horrible Helldivers 2 Trend

Some unlucky Helldivers 2 players are getting kicked out of multiple lobbies in a row.
Some unlucky Helldivers 2 players are getting kicked out of multiple lobbies in a row.

Another Helldivers 2 player pointed out that they have been “kicked from like 4 lobbies in a row,” which is proving to be quite “annoying.” As other players also report similar unfortunate incidents, this is a problem that Arrowhead Game Studios should definitely look into, as it could be because of the relatively confusing UI. If things are this bad among just the PlayStation and PC communities, what would happen when the game eventually made its way onto Xbox consoles?

Have you ever been kicked out of any lobbies while playing Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Osama Farooq

Articles Published: 339

Extensively talking about everything pop culture is something Osama truly enjoys doing, so when it started to get a little annoying in person, he joined FandomWire and found a whole community to share his thoughts with. He consumes media in almost all forms, including linear story-based video games (The Last of Us), hip-hop/R&B music (The Weeknd), top-tier television (Better Call Saul), classic movies (Superbad), as well as reading books and watching anime.