New Forza Motorsport Stat Indicates Only 10% of Gamers Have Completed the Featured Multiplayer Mode

Forza Motorsport's online featured mode is being ignored, as mixed opinion on the game continues.


  • Forza Motorsport multiplayer is being ignored by gamers according to their achievements.
  • Forza Motorsport has been released for two weeks and, so far, has a reasonable player base.
  • Potentially, there are multiple reasons why players are avoiding multiplayer.
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Forza Motorsport has been released for some time now, and since its release, only a few players have logged in and played certain game modes. One of these game modes is the featured multiplayer mode, which has only had a certain number of players log in.


This information has been found through the game’s achievements on the Xbox system, which tells us that only 10% of gamers have logged in and taken part in this featured mode. This begs the question of why this achievement has such a low number of earners.

Why is this Achievement in Forza Motorsport so Rare?

New Forza Motorsport Stat Indicates Only 10% of Gamers Have Completed the Featured Multiplayer Mode
Forza Motorsport‘s featured multiplayer mode, so far isn’t very popular amongst gamers.

The achievement in Forza Motorsport that is in question is titled In the big Leagues, which can be achieved by any player once they load into the featured multiplayer mode and complete one race.


To receive this achievement is actually quite simple, as it will only take on race completion within multiplayer to achieve it. This puts into question why players aren’t earning this achievement, as it is highly simple to earn and must mean no one is loading into multiplayer.

Even though only 10% of players have earned this achievement on Xbox, there are other platforms that this achievement can be earned on. Since Forza Motorsport has been released on both Xbox and Steam, due to it being published by Xbox and Microsoft, there are many other platforms that gamers can access it on.

For example, only 27% of Steam players have earned this achievement since Forza Motorsport‘s release date. There are a few reasons why Steam will have a higher percentage, as those who play through Steam will most likely pay for Forza Motorsport, whereas those on Xbox can get it through Game Pass and will most likely only be trying out the game itself.


Why are gamers Avoiding Forza Motorsport’s Multiplayer Mode?

New Forza Motorsport Stat Indicates Only 10% of Gamers Have Completed the Featured Multiplayer Mode
There are a few reasons as to why players could be avoiding Forza Motorsport’s Multiplayer.

There are a few reasons why Forza Motorsport‘s multiplayer is sadly being ignored at this current moment in time. To start, the most obvious reason is just the fact that the game has only been released for about two weeks, and most players won’t have progressed far enough to feel skilled enough for multiplayer.

Another reason that players may not have loaded into the featured multiplayer mode is just down to the fact that players may not like online games. Especially within racing games, many gamers are known for just bumping their opponents off the road to get ahead.

When it comes to racing games, there can be rather simple reasons why gamers do not want to play multiplayer games. One reason is the waiting time to fill up the lobbies. Even though there are practice modes that can keep players busy, the wait times could be 5–20 minutes long.


This will cause many gamers only looking for a chill racing experience to quit after a few minutes, as they are sick of waiting. This will lead to many gamers not being able to start, let alone finish, their first multiplayer race, which limits the earners of the achievement.

For now, until Forza Motorsport gains a larger player base, these numbers won’t rise much over the next few weeks, but once it hits Christmas, there will most likely be more players who will be logging in on their new consoles.

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Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 505

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.