Return to Nosgoth – Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Makes an Unexpected Return

What could this announcement mean for the future of the franchise?

nosgoth - legacy of kain


  • A recent announcement for the Legacy of Kain franchise has brought a renewed sense of excitement to fans.
  • There is confirmation that a prequel graphic novel is being launched on Kickstarter this year.
  • Despite the recent layoffs at Embracer Group, fans of the franchise remain hopeful that they will see a new entry.
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Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver remains one of the most popular games in what is regarded by many as one of the best series of the early PlayStation days. The first instalment in the dark fantasy action adventure series spawned several sequels since first launching in 1996, and received high praise for its themes of free will, morality, destiny and redemption.


Along with the graphics which saw high praise, it was the narrative of the games which saw them receive critical success. Recent sales of rights from Square Enix to Embracer Group brought hopes of sequels and remakes/remasters. Whilst this is still to come to fruition, there has been a recent development which was cause for surprise.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on Kickstarter?

Kain feeds on a guard.
It may have been over 20 years, but fans remain hopeful for a new entry. Credit: Crystal Dynamics

Many fans will be surprised to learn that a prequel graphic novel is set to launch on Kickstarter titled Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver – The Dead Shall Rise. Arriving later this year, this marks the first new narrative for the Legacy of Kain series since the last game in 2003.


According to a press release, the graphic novel will follow the backstory of Raziel’s past as a Human serafin warrior and his subsequent transformation into a vampire lieutenant under Kain. The storyline will remain canon and answer many of the unanswered questions from the series.

Exploring the complex relationship between the two, it is perhaps fitting that this is being released 25 years after the 1999 title, which remains much loved to this day.

No Movement From Embracer Group?

Raziel flies in the spectral realm in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Could the latest news motivate developers to work on a prequel for the series? Credit: Crystal Dynamics

The recent news with Embracer Group and layoffs has certainly cast a cloud of doubt about any progression in terms of the series. So perhaps, with the prequel graphic novel, it may be the closest that fans will see in terms of a return to Nosgoth for a while.


It’s clear that fans are still disappointed that there has been no progression in terms of a remake/remaster and despite 20 years since the last entry, they haven’t given up hope. Indeed, one fan took it upon himself to create his own remake using Unreal Engine 5, which had fans full of praise and hyped about seeing this actually come to fruition.

Whilst it may not be the news that fans of the franchise are hoping for in terms of a remake/reboot, the fact that that someone has a prequel graphic novel could be ample source material for a new title. Fans will no doubt be hoping that the Kickstarter campaign will be successful enough that developers will take note and bring this franchise back to life.

What do you think about the latest news for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver? Are you disappointed that it is not a remake/reboot of the franchise, or do you think this could be a step towards this happening? Get in touch, leave us a comment, and let us know your thoughts.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 266

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.