“Now I need to know why Chewbacca doesn’t wear clothes”: Star Wars: The Acolyte Brings Back Iconic Wookie Jedi But Fans Have 1 Burning Question

The Acolyte debuts a chic Wookiee Jedi, leaving fans curious about why Chewbacca never wore any clothing!

Chewbacca star wars acolyte


  • The Acolyte will showcase the first-ever live-action Wookiee Jedi wielding a lightsaber.
  • The character's early previews caused quite a buzz online, and subsequent teasers added to the excitement.
  • Fans are now playfully pondering why Chewbacca never wore clothes, especially considering the fashionable attire of this new Wookiee.
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Continuing its legacy of being the gift that keeps on giving, Star Wars introduces another gem to its vast universe with Star Wars: The Acolyte. Among its countless attractions, the show has particularly piqued audience interest for one standout feature, the introduction of a new Wookiee character who happens to be a Jedi.

Star Wars: The Acolyte
Star Wars: The Acolyte | Disney

As the character’s first glimpse is revealed, one hilarious burning question clouds the minds of the fans, why does Chewbacca prefer going au naturel while this Wookiee Jedi rocks a striking ensemble?

Meet The Wookiee Jedi in Star Wars’ Latest Offering, The Acolyte

In a groundbreaking moment for the Star Wars universe, the upcoming series The Acolyte will debut the first-ever live-action portrayal of a Wookiee Jedi wielding a lightsaber. Say hello to Kelnacca, a fresh addition to the galaxy’s roster of characters.


For actor Joonas Suotamo, from carrying on the legacy of Chewbacca from Peter Mayhew to bringing Kelnacca to life marks yet another remarkable milestone. In a recent interview with Empire magazine, Suotamo shared insights into this exciting new role. He revealed,

Ever since [I was] five years old, I’ve been fantasising about being a Jedi, like every kid, When the word ‘Jedi’ was first mentioned [in talks for The Acolyte], I felt really excited – like a little kid who finally gets his favourite toy on his birthday.

Kelnacca, Wookiee Jedi in a screenshot from for ‘STAR WARS: THE ACOLYTE’ trailer Credit: Star Wars YT

He further elaborated,

Peter told me right from the get-go that Chewbacca is a mime character, The audience doesn’t understand what he’s saying exactly, but they [interpret] his mannerisms, and every little twitch, and every little movement, and roar. Kelnacca being a Jedi, that sets certain expectations to how you carry yourself in the line of duty, There are certain assumptions that can be made as to whether he lets his emotions take control of him to the extent that Chewbacca would, for example. It was very interesting to bake that into the character and try to personify that on screen.

While not the first Wookiee to grace the screen, this Jedi has undoubtedly left an impression on the fans, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what awaits them.


This Wookiee Jedi Spurs Fans to Question Chewbacca’s Now-Peculiar Choices

The initial glimpses of the character undoubtedly caused a stir on the internet, and subsequent teasers only fueled the intrigue. Now, fans are eagerly waiting for the unfolding of this new character’s journey, all while reminiscing about their dear friend Chewbacca and reflecting on some of his peculiar choices.

Chewbacca fictional characters
Chewbacca in Star Wars | Disney

With this stylishly dressed Wookiee making waves, fans are humorously wondering why Chewbacca has never bothered with clothing when this new Wookiee seems to sport a rather fetching outfit.  Here is what the fans are saying,





While fans enjoy lighthearted banter and speculation, their deeper desire remains, to uncover the answers to their burning questions.

The series deals with a mystery as a revered Jedi Master who finds himself tangled in a clash with a rival from his past. With each new revelation, the show keeps on getting interesting. The stellar cast includes Amandla Stenberg, Lee Jung-Jae, Manny Jacinto, and many more.

The first two episodes of Star Wars: The Acolyte premiers on June 4th on Disney+


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 886

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.