“Oh, my god, you’re actually not him”: Playing Homelander in ‘The Boys’ Comes With a Price for Antony Starr That He Can No Longer Stand After Personifying the Role

Antony Starr does not like that people think he is like Homelander in real-life.

The Boys Antony Starr


  • Antony Starr's performance as Homelander has easily made him one of the best villains of all time.
  • During a recent interview, he revealed one of the worst parts of playing the character.
  • It would seem that Starr hates it when people are surprised that he is not like Homelander in real-life.
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One of the integral qualities of The Boys is its character. All of them bring something new and engaging to the table, and the entire cast does an excellent job of bringing life to their roles. However, even among a cast full of some of the most talented actors in television, there is one actor who stands out.

Antony Starr in a grin as Homelander in Season Four of The Boys
Antony Starr as Homelander in Season Four of The Boys | Amazon Prime Video

Antony Starr’s performance as Homelander has made him one of the most iconic and terrifying villains of all time. The character has depth and perfect reasons for becoming the way that he is. Despite this, audiences cannot find a shred of sympathy for the character thanks to all of the horrible things that he has done in the four seasons of the series.

It is safe to say that fans have very strong, negative feelings towards the character. It is not surprising that they bleed into reality. However, Starr does find it to be quite annoying.


Antony Starr Is Not Homelander

With the release of season four of The Boys, Antony Starr gave an in-depth interview with Rolling Stone, where he talked about his time on the series. Since Homelander is the main villain of the series and the actor does an incredible job at showcasing the horrible parts of his personality, the fans, as a whole, loathe the character.

The Boys
A still of Homelander from the second season of The Boys (Credit: Amazon Studios)

During the interview, Starr revealed that, although this is an excellent reflection on his skills as an actor, it can be quite frustrating for him when he is meeting fans.

People are surprised, like, ‘Oh, my God, you’re actually not like him,’ says Starr, a 48-year-old hardcore Queens of the Stone Age fan. “And I’m like, ‘Yeah, he’s a psychopathic narcissist. So yeah, thanks. Thank you for that.’

The Boys
Starr as Homelander (Credit: Amazon Prime Video)

He revealed that when he is on set, in costume, the crew and sometimes even the cast, walk on eggshells around him. They are constantly afraid of being around him and are even hesitant about interacting with him.


This predisposition about Starr’s personality is so deep-rooted, that when they do talk to him, they are always surprised to find out that the actor is nothing like Homelander.

Antony Starr Takes Drastic Measures To Not Be Confused As Homelander

Anyone would be frustrated if they had to constantly prove to the world that they were not a supervillain. They were not a ticking timebomb of insecurity and laser eyes. During the interview, it was also revealed that Antony Starr goes to great lengths to make sure he gets as far away from the character as possible when he is done filming a season.

I actually don’t have superpowers. I have a very sensitive rump.

Antony Starr
Antony Starr | Credit: Instagram

After shooting the third season of the series, he ended up cutting his hair off, adorning the shaved hair look when doing press for the season. This year, the actor has switched back to his original brown hair color and has a slight stubble that makes it slightly more difficult to compare him to the blonde supervillain.


The Boys is available for streaming on Prime Video. 


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1251

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.