One Piece Live Action Could Improve Chopper’s Story and Bring Justice to Nami’s in 1 Move

Season two of 'One Piece' live-action could do righteousness to Nami's character while simultaneously enhancing Chopper's story if they add a few more episodes.

One Piece Live Action Could Improve Chopper's Story and Bring Justice to Nami's in 1 Move


  • 'One Piece' live-action season one was released in 2023, perpetrated ground-breaking success, and became the most thriving live-action series ever.
  • To compact the entire East Blue Saga arc into just eight episodes, many changes were made to the storyline, which resulted in Nami's backstory being cut short to shrink the arc.
  • If the upcoming season has more than eight episodes, they can adapt Chopper's story while also doing justice to Nami.
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In the famed world of live-action adaptation, there has never been a project that has received a buoyant reaction from the audience. Following the long track record of letdowns of its peers, One Piece was expected to follow the same path after the announcement of its live-action adaptation. Fortunately, due to the sheer hard work of everyone involved, it became the most prosperous adaptation ever.

Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece Live-Action
Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece Live-Action

As amazing as the season of One Piece live-action season one was, one major flaw in it was the shrinking and omission of the backstories of characters such as Nami. Season two could avoid the lethal mistake of skipping some aspects of Chopper’s story and do justice to Nami’s character by adding a few more episodes to cover the entire arc without skipping anything major.

Also Read: “There were times when it was very hard”: Inaki Godoy on His Struggle Playing Luffy in Netflix’s One of the Most Expensive Shows


One Piece live-action season two requires a few extra episodes to be a good adaptation

One of the most expensive live-action projects ever, One Piece, was formulated very carefully with a vision of being close to the source material and likewise being distinct, adding its spark.

One Piece season 1 adapted the East Blue Saga, which lasts for 63 episodes in the anime. One Piece season 2 will have 73 anime episodes to cover as it will adapt the notorious Arabasta Saga, which is even more humongous than the previous arc.

With the episode digits decided before production began, there were bound to be cuts and shrinks to fit everything within eight episodes. However, the prey of this decision was none other than Nami.

Nojiko and Nami
Nojiko and Nami

Her backstory takes place in episodes 7 and 8 of the live-action and it went through many cuts and was not explored as deeply as it was in the anime or manga, skipping interaction between characters such as Nojiko and Genzo, which was a bit disappointing and felt rushed.

Season two would present one of the most fan-favorite characters Chopper, who could be the next victim. If Netflix wants to avoid what happened to Nami with Chopper’s backstory, they need to extend the total number of episodes.

Rather than eight episodes, if season two retains around ten episodes, it would be sufficient to explore Chopper’s backstory without skipping anything or altering the storyline.


Also Read: “Nami’s anime clothes wouldn’t be comfortable clothing for anyone”: Emily Rudd’s Wardrobe in Upcoming One Piece Seasons Spark a Heated Debate

What do we know about One Piece live-action season two so far?

Heeding the success of Season 1, Netflix swiftly revealed the resurgence of One Piece for a second season. It was followed up by a teaser on their official YouTube channel, which got the fans to triumph.

Since then, there have been no follow-ups, either from the studio or from Oda sensei, about how long fanatics need to linger before they see their beloved Straw Hats back on their screens.


If we observe the time it took to produce season one, the next installment can be expected within a year or two, and as we all know, good things take time, so to get the best possible result, it would be beneficial to let the unit work at their gait.

Read More: One Piece Theory: Shanks Deliberately Made Luffy Eat Gomu Gomu Fruit for 1 Reason That Debunks His Villain Theory

One Piece Live Action on Netflix
One Piece Live Action on Netflix

In the end, it doesn’t matter much when the season is released; one thing is for sure: it will be a treat to watch for the audience and viewers.


Tune in to watch the journey of Monkey D. Luffy along with his comrades on Netflix.


Written by Jiyad Shaikh

Articles Published: 291

Greetings! I'm a 19-year-old data science student who's deeply passionate about anime and manga. When I'm not crunching numbers, you can find me immersed in the world of AMV video editing, where I blend my love for storytelling with creativity. Join me on this exciting journey where data and anime collide!