“People only know me in this kind of FBI role”: David Duchovny’s New Movie is His Attempt to Undo the Damage The X Files Did to His Career

Previously trying to avoid getting typecast, David Duchovny is now trying to undo his career damage.

"People only know me in this kind of FBI role": David Duchovny's New Movie is His Attempt to Undo the Damage The X Files Did to His Career


  • Rising to prominence with his role as Fox Mulder in the 11 seasoned show The X Files, David Duchovny turned into a household name.
  • The actor quickly started getting plagued with the fear of being typecast in Hollywood, which forced him to change his career graph to comedies.
  • Now, after years of comedy roles, David Duchovny is trying to venture into real-life drama in an attempt to undo his career damage.
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Famously known for his role as Fox Mulder in The X Files which ran for 11 seasons, David Duchovny rose to prominence. But, despite enjoying massive success for his show, the actor was scared of being typecast in Hollywood. Thus, Duchovny decided to move on and follow in the steps of Ben Stiller and Will Ferrell, despite having doubts. 

David Duchovny in The X-Files
David Duchovny in The X Files

Desperately trying to avoid being typecast in Hollywood, David Duchovny ventured into comedies. Although working in a dark and serious role would have been logical, Duchovny seemingly planned out of desperation. And now, after years of working in comedies, Duchovny finally came up with a drama movie Adam the First, hitting theatres on February 14. 

David Duchovny Ventured Into Comedy to Avoid Getting Typecast 

Rising to prominence with his role as Fox Mulder in the 11 seasoned show The X Files, David Duchovny turned into a household name. Playing a serious character in the dark and gritty 1993 series alongside Gillian Anderson, the actor quickly started getting plagued with the fear of being typecast in Hollywood. 

Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in a still from The X-Files
Gillian Anderson (R) and David Duchovny (L) in a still from The X Files

Unwilling to go through such a career-damaging situation, David Duchovny personally tried changing his career graph. Shifting completely from dark and serious characters like that of Fox Mulder, Duchovny tried venturing into comedies. Following in the steps of Ben Stiller and Will Ferrell, the actor chose to star in the 2007 comedy-drama series Californication

David Duchovny wants to a X-Files revival
Duchovny as Fox Mulder

After The X-Files, I wanted to do a comedy. But people weren’t looking at me that way because that show was perceived as dark and kind of brutal, even though it always had funny moments. At the time that I wanted to do a comedy, it seemed like most were underdog comedies, like ones with Ben Stiller, Steve Carell, and Will Ferrell.” Duchovny told Rolling Stones

Going completely against the idea of limiting himself to a certain style, David Duchovny was adamant about making his way successfully into the comedy realm. Therefore, despite the risks involved in changing his career, the actor took a major step and went on to star in the 2007 show. But unfortunately, despite the show’s success, people failed to accept him in such roles. 

David Duchovny’s New Movie Attempts to Undo the Damage

Despite initially struggling to make his position in people’s hearts as a versatile actor, David Duchovny didn’t give up on his work. The actor kept appearing in several comedy projects like Zoolander, You People, House of D, What Happens Later, and more. He also went on to tackle a few diverse roles, including a romantic drama Return to Me. 

David Duchovny
David Duchovny and Meg Ryan in What Happens Later

David Duchovny’s fear of being typecast certainly took him a long way in his career following his role in The X Files. Now, after years of prevailing in the entertainment industry with different genres of films and shows that constantly reshaped his career graph, Duchovny recently came up with his drama movie Adam the First, hitting theatres on February 14. 

David Duchovny in his recently released movie Adam the First (2024)
David Duchovny in his recently released movie Adam the First (2024)

When I was first coming off of The X Files, I really thought, ‘OK, I’ve got to do some comedy because this feels like people only know me in this kind of FBI role or straight-laced role’. But I think Truly Like Lightning, a book I wrote, a series I’m trying to develop, that’s a very dramatic role. As an actor, I guess I’m always trying to bring that out the opposite side of whatever it is into it, smuggle some comedy into a drama and vice versa.” Duchovny told Movie Web

After breaking from the shackles of getting typecast in Hollywood following The X Files and venturing into comedy, David Duchovny is currently trying to again reshape his career with his new drama movie Adam the First. Narrating the story of a young boy who travels across the US in search of his real dad, Duchovny’s movie has a thought-provoking tone, where he plays the role of James, a father figure for Adam. 

David Duchovny as James in Adam the First
David Duchovny as James in Adam the First

Offering a new outlook to his audiences, after making them accustomed to his comedy roles, David Duchovny is trying to venture into real-life drama without the slightest hint of comedy. His new movie seems to be an attempt at undoing the damage done to his career after he thought he might get typecast in the industry. 


Adam the First is currently running in theatres.


Written by Krittika Mukherjee

Articles Published: 1747

Krittika is a News Writer at FandomWire with 2 years of prior experience in lifestyle and web content writing. With her previous works available on HubPages and Medium, she has woven over 1700 stories with us, about fan-favorite actors, movies, and shows. Post-graduate in Journalism and Honors-graduate in English Literature, when this art enthusiast isn't crafting your next favorite article, she finds her escapism in coffee, fiction, and the Wizarding World.