Phil Spencer May Be Looking to Retaliate Against Xbox and PC Players That Attacked Him in Fallout 76

That user better be prepared for the havoc that may follow.

phil spencer xbox fallout 76


  • Players aren't happy with Xbox, as Microsoft let them down after the announcement of studio closures.
  • Recently, Phil Spencer's base in Fallout 76 was aimed at by a player, but he says it was a personal goal.
  • Now it seems he is preparing to retaliate against the gamer who nuked his campsite in the first place.
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Gamers can’t do anything about the recent studio closures carried out by Microsoft and Phil Spencer. However, they can express their disapproval through games like Fallout 76. Gamers are likely aware of the fact that his famous P3 campsite was nuked by a player recently within the game. Nonetheless, the player clarified it wasn’t a result of his rage over the closures.


The user cleared the air more by stating that he had been planning the attack for weeks. He was curious to know if the Microsoft Gaming CEO would fight him or not. And it wasn’t the first time his site was nuked; the momentum has gained pace lately. But now it’s time for Phil to act, and looks like he’s all set.

It is Time Phil Spencer to Take Control of The Battlefield Now

Phil Spencer's campsite has been one of the most popular locations in the game.
Phil Spencer’s campsite has been one of the most popular locations in the game.

There’s always a limit to something and repercussions may follow if it’s crossed. Players might have finally hit that limit with Microsoft’s gaming head, as one player already launched a pre-emptive strike. Now Phil Spencer may be preparing to fight back, according to a recent tweet from a gamer.


A user named Rebs Gaming shared on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) a post showcasing Spencer’s latest quest completion that indicated the obvious. The user suspects that this is only the beginning, and Phil might be seeking his next prey.

He completed the in-game quest called Officer on Deck, which grants access to Whitespring bunker. It’s necessary in the game, as players can launch nuclear weapons at this location following the quest’s completion. Phil waved to one user after his campsite was nuked; maybe he was saying a final goodbye to the attacker.


The Killing Spree Might Not Have Ended Yet, and There Could be More

Multiple users have nuked the famous P3 site lately.
Multiple users have nuked the famous P3 site lately.

A lot of gamers have tried nuking Phil Spencer’s campsite, and while some motives were personal, it’s not rocket science to deduce the reason behind the series of these nuclear attacks. Some fans who were annoyed at the fact that they could not do anything said that he “definitely deserved it.”.

One of the studios that was hit by this corporate bullet, Tango Gameworks, had Masaaki Yamada, who had worked on some prominent games in the past. Fans believe that Phil Spencer threw such people away like a trash. To this end, it is safe to assume that many such talented developers were caught in the crossfire.

While the decision for closure wasn’t made by Phil Spencer, he became the unintended victim of the chaos. Microsoft may not be stopping here and may announce more job cuts in the coming days. Let’s hope it won’t kill any other studio, just like that.


How do feel about Phil Spencer’s situation here? We would like to know your thoughts about this in the comments section below.


Written by Anurag Batham

Articles Published: 319

Anurag Batham is a video games correspondent at FandomWire. With over two years of experience in writing for different industries, his past works show his passion for the metaverse and his awareness of the environment. He's always playing with ideas to turn them into captivating stories.

A gaming enthusiast who can prove it when you have a round of Call of Duty (COD) with him. And it may take more than a coffee with him if you are to talk to him about Marvel. One can find a reader in him who's always keen to perfect what he already knows and to learn everything new.