“Is It Time for PlayStation Users to Do a Massive Boycott?”: After Seeing Sony Back Down Over Helldivers 2, PS Plus Users Look to Co-ordinate a Similar Protest

The war for democracy must continue.

Helldivers 2 PS plus


  • With the Helldivers 2 controversy settled, people now look towards Sony's other controversies and policies.
  • One user on the forum, IconEra, is instigating protests against PlayStation's pricing and refund policies.
  • Many players are now focussing on Stellar Blade's censorship controversy as well.
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To no one’s surprise, in the war against Sony’s corporate antics, Democracy prevails strong and wide. After the pushback against the mandatory account linking policy of Helldivers 2, Sony decided to retread its steps back to where things originally were.


Right now, Sony is right in the eye of a controversy storm—an account-linking one here, a censorship controversy there. Now, seeing its tarnished reputation, some PS Plus users are looking to take the opportunity to coordinate similar protests against some of the company’s other policies.

PS Plus Players Are Now Looking to Demand Better Conditions and Prices on PlayStation’s Platform

Helldivers 2 community managed to come out on top of its PlayStation controversy.
After Helldivers 2, PlayStation users have set their sights on other policy issues.

Seeing how Sony decided to bend the knee against the massive backlash received from the Helldivers 2 community, one user on the gaming forum IconEra has already begun planning their next major order against Sony.


Perhaps inspired by the aforementioned community’s commitment to spreading democracy wherever Liberation calls, IconEra’s user Jim Ryan now calls on the rest of the community to take action against Sony’s pricing and refund policies.

helldivers 2
Comments over the PC backlash are starting to change.

No, this isn’t the ex-CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, who some people assume to be Tom Clancy for some unknowable reason. It’s simply a PlayStation Plus user looking to grab the opportunity at hand.

Although the user has stated some clear and understandable motives behind the protests, the results so far have been mixed. So far, the post seems to have garnered a mixed reception, with some ready to board the ship and a similar number expressing open skepticism toward the idea. The skepticism makes sense as, despite the recent change, the future of Helldivers 2 and Sony is slightly foggy, to say the least.


To be fair, however, part of the reason why Sony decided to undo its decision was because of the legal implications it involved, as one user already pointed out. Making Helldivers 2 available globally, only to put a damper on things by introducing the policy and, in doing so, prohibiting players from many countries from jumping into the game once more, is a clear case of malfeasance on Sony’s part.

That said, whether Sony can retrace its steps when there are no massive legal consequences, remains to be seen, as there’s another controversy that Sony needs to tackle.

Let’s Not Forget the Other Community Looking to Get the Same Treatment as Helldivers 2

stellar blade
Stellar Blade‘s fans are now hoping for Sony to reverse the game’s censorship.

The recent change made by Sony has also raised the hopes of Stellar Blade‘s player base, which continues to protest against the recent censorship implemented in the game.


The raised hope from the community checks out, given the silence from both Sony and developer ShiftUp, concerning the changes made to the in-game outfits and other things. Perhaps a little more push from the community’s end can bring a happy ending to this entire debacle.

Thinking otherwise would be falling into the abyss of cynicism and defeatism that the gaming industry as a whole has cultivated over the years. With the #FreeStellarBlade campaign going strong and continually garnering more followers with each passing day, it may only be a matter of time before the dawn of change rises.

With all that said, what are your views on PlayStation’s current set of policies? Do you think the spark set by the forum post could grow into a fire soon? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Akshit Dangi

Articles Published: 106

Akshit is a (supposed) human being that lurks in different corners of the internet in search of fascinating rabbit holes. Outside of that, though, you'll most likely find him staring at a piece of art for days or completing another playthrough of Silent Hill.