“If they had added an offline mode, I would have played it”: Redfall May Have Been Just One Update Away From Being Saved Before Xbox Closed Arkane Austin

The update could have possibly saved the doomed game.

Redfall xbox


  • An update that fans had been crying out for was being developed before the studio was shut down.
  • It is a further blow to Redfall players who have not received the numerous updates which were promised.
  • Despite Microsoft confirming that compensation will be available, it feels like another slap in the face to players.
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Redfall players are no doubt still reeling from the recent news that Microsoft is shutting down a number of studios. This includes Arkane Austin, the developer of the live-service title which is widely regarded as one of Bethesda’s biggest failures. Arkane Austin along with three other studios is confirmed to be closing with no comment from the publisher at the time of writing.


However, with all the news regarding all the updates that were being worked on by developers, could these have potentially saved the doomed title? For those players who parted with their hard-earned money on the $100 Bite Back Edition of the game, there was the Hero DLC which never came to fruition. But could another update have been what turned the fortunes of the title around?

What Were The Updates For Redfall?

Redfall players have called Microsoft out on the corporate greed following the recent studio closure announcement.

It may surprise players of the doomed title, but the live-service game was developing an offline mode as reported here. This is something that players have been crying out for ever since its release a year ago and if this was implemented, there was potential for numerous new players to pick up the title.


Just how many new players remains to be seen but given the numerous comments from current players, it means that there was certainly demand for this feature to be implemented. This potentially could have turned around the fortunes of the game had Microsoft not decided to pull the plug on the studio.

Players can now only speculate on what could have been had Redfall had an offline mode. It is possible that if this was developed earlier and released then the fortunes of the studio may have been on a more positive footing and Microsoft may have looked more favorably on them. Unfortunately, we will now never know.

Reaction From Fans to Redfall Studio Closure

Could an offline mode have enticed more players to pick up Redfall?

As we reported recently, it appears that work is still ongoing with the game’s DLC, which is surprising given recent announcements. There were promises made by the studio that there were numerous updates for the game but it was thought that these would be discontinued with the confirmation that the studio would be closing.


Many players on learning about this were slightly confused, but the news of the closures still hanging in the air like a putrid fragrance hasn’t softened the anger any. Fans have denounced Microsoft for their recent actions and the numerous people who have been made redundant, citing corporate greed above employees.

Given how much work it appears was being put in by developers on updates for this title, it is disappointing for players. To have the prospect of a raft of updates being promised, only to have this denied by studio closures is frustrating, to put it mildly, and has led to understandable anger and resentment from fans.

What are your thoughts on the latest news for Redfall? Do you agree that an offline mode would have been more appealing to most players? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know what you think.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 241

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.