Shades of Helldivers 2 as XDefiant Fans are Begging Others in the Community to Give Ubisoft More Support and Less Complaints

Is the level of criticism too much for a title which has only been released for a matter of weeks?

helldivers 2, xdefiant


  • XDefiant fans have become like those of Helldivers 2 with the criticism levelled at developers.
  • One player took to the game's subreddit to plead with players to show patience and support, and the response was as expected.
  • Criticism of this level is unfortunately a sign of the times and more prevalent with social media, where there are few repercussions.
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XDefiant may only have been released on May 21st, but unfortunately, fans of the game have mirrored those of another title with an unnecessary volume of criticism. The game has only been released for a matter of weeks, and yet many players have decided to make their voices heard and level their complaints at the developers.


The free-to-play first-person shooter from Ubisoft is expected to go toe-to-toe with Call of Duty, which in itself is a bold statement to make. However, given the dipping popularity of the Activision franchise, this could be an ideal time for a new shooter to take the throne. We’re not saying it will but you just never know in gaming.

XDefiant Fans Mirror Those Of Another Well-Known Title

XDefiant players appear to be mirroring Helldivers 2 with its level of criticism.
XDefiant players appear to be mirroring Helldivers 2 with its level of criticism.

Much like Helldivers 2, when it first launched, many players quickly jumped on it and lambasted it with criticism. This is evident from a recent post on the game’s forum on Reddit, where one player asked the community to be more patient and show the developers the respect they deserve. As expected, this saw further comments, with many directing criticism towards the original poster.


I’d like to see people being more patient with the devs, more supportive, and appreciative of Marks communication.
byu/Hot_Riddler inXDefiant

It seems to be more commonplace that fans squabble amongst each other about titles, such is the passion regarding the gaming industry. However, with social media becoming more prevalent, it means that faceless accounts can say what they like without fear of repercussions.

This means that any studio, or indeed, individuals attached to them, can receive this criticism directly. What many fans don’t take into account is the painstaking amount of work that developers put into the games that they are playing and how much continues to go on to ensure that the level of enjoyment is maintained.


A Sign Of The Times With The Level Of Criticism

Could XDefiant challenge Call of Duty?
Could XDefiant challenge Call of Duty?

There has been confirmation that the upcoming Patch for XDefiant will fix one of the major complaints from players. Introducing a flinch mechanic to make sniping more difficult may just be what the game needs to balance it properly. However, there will be no doubt that other issues will arise that need to be addressed in future patches.

Likewise, with Helldivers 2, which has seen various patches since it first launched back in February, it is a sign of the times to see fans making their voices heard about what’s wrong with the title. Whilst there is a necessity to draw attention to issues affecting the game, there is a way to go about this without

Unfortunately, it is becoming more apparent that players have a lack of patience with newly released games and are looking for a perfect product, which realistically is a difficult thing to achieve. Games require patches, and developers have to be allowed time to work on them without unfair levels of criticism levelled at them. They are human beings after all.


What are your thoughts on the latest news for XDefiant? Do you agree with the comments from players or that the developers deserve more respect? Get in touch, leave us a comment and let us know what you think.


Written by Andy MacGregor

Articles Published: 259

Born and raised in the West coast of Scotland. A massive fan of Comics and losing endless hours in epic Video Games.