“We figured everybody was going to need a healer”: Shadowheart was Set in Stone, but Baldur’s Gate 3’s Astarion was Far Different Than How We Now Know Him

We need a mod to see how each companion would look in their original concept.

baldur's gate 3


  • The six companions were chosen from hundreds of character concepts depending on what would gel well.
  • Companion classes were decided much later, and Astarion almost became a tiefling instead of a vampire.
  • Shadowheart was always meant to be a cleric to ensure the party had a healer.
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Baldur’s Gate 3 is the culmination of what some of the brightest minds in the video gaming industry can do when they’re left to explore and ideate as much as they want. While we’ve come to know and love the game and its many facets, it wasn’t nearly the same as it was during the conceptualization stage.


And yes, that includes its characters. During BAFTA’s “An Evening with Baldur’s Gate 3” event, Larian CEO Swen Vincke, writing director Adam Smith, and lead writer Chrystal Ding had much to share about all the work that went into creating the studio’s latest hit.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Characters Went Through Many Iterations

The Baldur's Gate 3 companions could've turned out much differently.
The Baldur’s Gate 3 companions could’ve turned out much differently.

Larian won big at the BAFTA’s this year, scoring in the Best Game, Music, Narrative, and EE Player’s Choice categories.


A lot of hard work was put into the game to reach this point of recognition, some of which was shared with the inquisitive audience that attended the special Masterclass event earlier this week.

Before the six companion characters, whose iconic scenes are plastered over the internet, were who they are as we know them today, they were simply “hundreds and hundreds” of vague character concepts.

Vincke, Smith and Ding recall how humongous of a list it was, and narrowing it down was a Herculean task. The team tried to identify those stories that would play well with one another.


The six companions would be spending a lot of time together, so, naturally, you would want stories for each one that aren’t repetitive but gel well.

As Smith recounts:

We’d go through them and we’d say, are they compatible? Do they overlap too much? Are we going to be repeating ourselves in the stories here? And do they fit the themes? That was the most important thing.

With races and classes not solidified yet, even fan-favorite Astarion went through a ton of changes. Can you imagine him as a tiefling? That’s what he nearly became before being set as a vampire.


Not Every Part of Shadowheart Was Changed

There was no debate on what class Shadowheart would assume.
There was no debate on what class Shadowheart would assume.

You may have heard that Shadowheart used to be a lot sassier during the game’s Early Access days before her personality was dialed down. There was one other aspect of hers that was always set in stone, though.

Essentially, the team had fixed classes for each character much later, based on compatibility with the player. Shadowheart was always intended to be a cleric, for a simple reason that Vincke reveals:

We figured everybody was going to need a healer.

Creating fulfilling stories and roles for each companion was no easy feat. They’re the result of not just a few people’s efforts, but that of the narrative team, the artists, and the game and level designers, among others.


One change would have had a domino effect, and everyone needed to be on the same page.

What is your opinion on how all the companions turned out? Are you satisfied with their class and stories? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 350

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.