Sony Concept Art Shows PlayStation Controller They Plan for 2034

Discover Sony's groundbreaking concept for the PlayStation controller of 2034 and explore the future of gaming with this innovative design.

sony playstation


  • The 2034 concept art of PlayStation controller features an adaptive shape that molds to the user's hands.
  • A customizable holographic interface allows dynamic control layout adjustments.
  • Sony's concept art provides a tantalizing glimpse into the future of gaming
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In an exciting revelation that has set the gaming world abuzz, Sony has unveiled concept art for a futuristic PlayStation controller slated for release in 2034. The teaser, shared on Sony’s official Instagram account, offers a glimpse into the innovative design and advanced technology that could define the next generation of gaming hardware.


The concept art of the PlayStation controller showed a glimpse into the future of gaming. The PlayStation controller of 2034, showcases a sleek, ergonomic design that blends form and function seamlessly. The controller retains the classic PlayStation aesthetic but introduces several radical changes aimed at enhancing user experience and gameplay immersion.

Future controller concept art shown in Sony’s Creative Entertainment Vision

Sony intoduced a new concet art for PlayStation Controller
PlayStation Controller’s 2034 Concept Art | Sony-Global Youtube

Sony’s concept art provides a tantalizing glimpse into the future of gaming. The advancements hinted at in this teaser suggest that the PlayStation controller of the future will not only be a tool for playing games but also a sophisticated interface that enhances immersion and interactivity.


Even though Sony specifically mentioned below the video, “The content in this video is not directly related to any existing Sony products or services” this concept shows the company’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in gaming. The video showed many handheld devices which also included what seems like a PlayStation Controller. 

The gaming community’s response to the concept arts has been overwhelmingly positive. Fans and industry experts alike have praised Sony for its forward-thinking approach and commitment to innovation. Many have expressed excitement about the potential gameplay enhancements these new features could bring.

While 2034 is still a decade away, Sony’s concept art provides a tantalizing glimpse into the future of gaming. The final product in the future might not look or function the same way, but from the concept’s point of view, the technology will take a leap in a very innovative way.


Key controller features highlighted in Sony’s Concept Art

Sony has released their concept art for 2034.
Sony is already planning for the future. | Sony-Global YouTube

In line with global trends toward sustainability, Sony’s 2034 controller is envisioned to be constructed from eco-friendly materials. The use of recyclable and biodegradable components demonstrates Sony’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint.

In a significant departure from traditional button layouts, the 2034 controller features a holographic interface and a floating screen that appears as a projected display. The ergonomics of the concept controller suggest it will have an adaptive shape, designed to mold itself to the user’s hands. Building on the success of the DualSense controller’s haptic feedback, the new design will offer enhanced haptics as well.

PlayStation's next console refresh could be announced sooner than you think
PlayStation’s Future seems full of innovation | PlayStation

The community’s response has been overwhelmingly positive, with fans eagerly speculating about how these technological advancements will transform their favourite franchises and the overall gaming experience.


For now, the concept art serves as an exciting preview of what’s to come and a reminder that the future of gaming holds endless possibilities. With Sony at the helm, the journey to 2034 promises to be an exhilarating ride.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 109

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.