PlayStation’s Worst Kept Secret Marvel Rivals is Coming to Consoles, and it’s the Best News of the State of Play

The upcoming hero shooter is expanding.

Marvel's Rivals and PS State of Play


  • Marvel Rivals confirmed its closed beta for consoles with new and spectacular gameplay.
  • The State of Play showed a new trailer focusing on the destructible scenarios that the title will have.
  • NetEase has confirmed that the console beta will be in July.
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The most recent State of Play has just ended, and one of the revealed games was Marvel Rivals and its console Closed Beta, which will arrive soon. This NetEase title has left a positive first impression on PC players who had access to the closed beta last month. 


The new IP features Overwatch-like gameplay with Marvel characters each with their own iconic abilities in a destructible scenario that will have powers from all the superheroes facing each other according to the objective. The game will have its console closed beta in July.

The State of Play and a New Trailer for Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals confirmed its closed beta for console in the State of Play.
Marvel Rivals confirmed its closed beta for console in the State of Play.

State of Play has revealed several updates and a trailer for the upcoming PS5 games, along with a selection of different low-profile games. Games like Monster Hunter Wilds, Silent Hill 2 Remake, and other popular IPs were part of the show. They also introduced Marvel Rivals in its console version, promising new gameplay and a July release date for the closed beta. Players are very excited to play this game.


NetEase has released a new gameplay video that showcases more character abilities and demonstrates how the various maps will feature destructible parts that are crucial for winning the match.

Marvel Rivals | Console Announce Trailer

In the new video, characters like Spider-Man, Storm, Magneto, Punisher, Hela, and many others each have their own ultimate abilities that could give the team an advantage. The third-person hero shooter is poised for a promising start.


Another Hero Shooter is Incoming

Marvel Rivals will also be available on Xbox.
Marvel Rivals will also be available on Xbox.

The game provides a highly balanced gameplay experience, allowing each character to strategically use their abilities to help their team win the match. The closed beta for consoles will be available in July; the studio has not specified which particular date this will happen. Players are very excited to see how this game translates to console controllers. With Overwatch, it was a solid experience.

In the official trailer, the game also confirmed that it would be available on Xbox. The closed beta has not disclosed whether the game will feature crossplay, a feature common to all multiplatform games in the present era. In the last part of the trailer, you can also see a secret character that seems to be Killmonger; the yellow details seem to indicate that this is the villain from The King of Wakanda.

There is no information from NetEase about an official release for Marvel Rivals, but it all seems to indicate that the game’s new closed beta, which has a good performance, could finally be released this year for all platforms. This game was rumored for several months without that much hype, but the gameplay and beta have excited fans of Marvel to try this game and all of its unique abilities and characters.


What are your thoughts about this title? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 659

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.