Stellar Blade’s DLC Needs to Focus on 1 Character to Get the Full Story

What's next for Stellar Blade?

Stellar Blade


  • After seeing an unexpected succesn on release, Stellar Blade has found itself in the good graces of players.
  • And it seems everyone is already looking forward to getting a DLC for the game.
  • The fans seem to be united in the opinion that Raven should be the character in focus of a DLC.
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The release of Stellar Blade was met with significant, and also a little unexpected success. But fans are now eager for more content, particularly a DLC that delves deeper into the character of Raven.


Raven has a complex backstory and has a pivotal role in the game’s main story. A DLC focused on her perspective could explore her descent into madness and betrayal. This would offer players a better understanding of her motivations and allow for a different point of view of the story.

Raven Might Be The Most Popular Character Among Fans For a Stellar Blade DLC

Raven in Stellar Blade
Fans want to see a Raven DLC in Stellar Blade. | Image Credit: Shift Up

Raven’s journey in Stellar Blade is a compelling arc that deserves expansion. Fans argue that playing through her eyes as she grapples with the betrayal of the Elder Naytiba. And how she comes to become the chaotic person we see in the game would be great. 


As one of the main story bosses, Raven is a pretty important character. Focusing on her internal conflicts and motivations could also bridge gaps in the main story, offering players a richer understanding of her actions.

byu/bbywaist from discussion

Her transformation from a loyal squad member to a chaotic figure driven by madness and betrayal has a lot of potential in regards to the game’s story and lore. 

byu/bbywaist from discussion

A DLC that chronicles Raven’s descent into madness and her eventual rebellion against the Elder Naytiba could provide players with a deeper understanding of her motivations and the tragic circumstances that shaped her.


Many fans have expressed a strong desire to see a Raven-focused DLC. Discussions on forums like Reddit highlight the excitement surrounding the possibility of exploring Raven’s story from her point of view.

Another intriguing aspect of a Raven DLC is exploring her interactions with other characters, such as Adam and EVE. Seeing her interactions with other characters central to the plot would be interesting to see. 

Fans have suggested that the DLC could include scenarios where Raven’s actions directly impact these characters, providing alternate perspectives and possibly even changing the outcome of certain events in the main game.


Stellar Blade Could Give Players Exactly What They Want

Eve in Stellar Blade
Stellar Blade had a successful launch and fans want more. | Image Credit: Shift Up

Additionally, a Raven-centric DLC could introduce new gameplay mechanics that emphasize her unique abilities. Fans have suggested that her abilities should be distinct from other characters, perhaps focusing on her Cryo Blade and teleportation skills. 

This differentiation could address some fans’ concerns that Raven and Tachy share too many similarities in their skill sets. The potential for exploring Raven’s internal conflict and her interactions with other characters, like EVE and Adam, is vast.

These relationships are central to the game’s lore, and a deeper dive into these dynamics would enhance the overall story. 


By witnessing Raven’s struggle for acceptance and her eventual rebellion, players could gain a more nuanced understanding of the game’s themes of loyalty, betrayal, and redemption.

Raven’s journey in Stellar Blade is a story worth telling, and a dedicated DLC would ensure that her character is fully realized and appreciated by players.


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 120

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.