Stellar Blade Patch 1.003 Launches Today with a Whole Raft of Fixes and Content, Including 1 That Addresses the Main Issue with the Game

Stellar Blade is about to get a new update with some new features and quality of life improvements.

Stellar Blade Eve


  • Shift Up just rolled out a new patch for Stellar Blade with some much-needed features involving the compass on the HUD.
  • Boss Challenge and new cosmetic items will be included in the latest update and players are eager to set some records and try the new suits
  • Stellar Blade players will be pleased to learn that the developers listened to their complaints and addressed the issues through the update.
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Stellar Blade was a massive success for Shift Up and Sony Interactive Entertainment but like every masterpiece, it has its fair share of flaws. Fortunately, the developers took these criticisms to heart and worked on certain areas extensively that will roll out during this upcoming patch.


The gaming community was enamored by the project and its ambitious nature and futuristic atmosphere. However, the game launched with a few undesirable bugs that will be snuffed out with this new update and it is a positive indication of support for the game’s foreseeable future.

Stellar Blade Patch 1.003 Will Resolve One Annoying Issue

The days when the compass would constantly disappear from the HUD in Stellar Blade are officially numbered.
The days when the compass would constantly disappear from the HUD in Stellar Blade are officially numbered.

While the developers announced some exciting projects for the future that the gaming community is not overly fond of, this is the kind of news that has piqued the collective interest of every Stellar Blade player. Shift Up is the focus of the latest PlayStation Blogpost and it is high time for the developers to make some improvements regarding the bugs plaguing the game and the much-needed quality-of-life improvements.


Among the plethora of new features, one of the more notable inclusions is the Boss Challenge feature which was highly requested by the gaming community. The players are always open to any opportunity that would allow them to directly face an omnipotent foe and start button mashing to beat a set time.

Shift Up is doing the right thing by acknowledging the issue of a disappearing compass that would have made the navigation experience for the players a lot harder. Fortunately, the developers will enable a feature that will leave the compass on as long the player sees fit which is a must and a lot more convenient.


Shift Up Is Committed to Improving Stellar Blade

The South Korean developers are not moving on from Stellar Blade despite working on a new project.
The South Korean developers are not moving on from Stellar Blade despite working on a new project.

The new update will also include new cosmetic items for players to choose from. Director Hyung-Tae Kim has a personal connection with the outfits featured in the game and even designed the skin suit that he envisioned nearly a decade ago.

Developers rarely go back to a finished product and don’t bat an eye for player complaints, luckily, Shift Up holds this project with high regard and will not leave it in the state that the team believes is undesirable.

There is always room to improve and the gaming community is pleased to see the developers take their sweet time rather than ignore them. This project has already achieved several impressive feats which include having the highest-user score on Metacritic and the PlayStation 5 platform of the year so far.


Kim knew he had to get this dream project of his up in the air and was inspired by the success of the Soulslike genre. The complex combat system appeals to the community and it goes to show how well the director is in touch with society.

Are you ready to dive back in to see the improvements on the HUD and try out the Boss Challenge feature in Stellar Blade? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 640

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.