It’s Stellar Blade vs Hellblade 2 Because Apparently, We Can’t Have Good Games without a Console War

Beyond the two having 'blade' in the names, can they even be compared?

Hellblade 2 and Stellar Blade


  • Hellblade 2's release has reignited the console wars, with fans comparing its Metacritic score to PS5's Stellar Blade.
  • The games scored similarly, with Stellar Blade at 81 and Hellblade 2 at 80, leading to heated online debates.
  • Some fans argue the comparison is unnecessary, urging appreciation for both games' achievements.
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Hellblade 2 is out, and the reviews are in. The highly anticipated sequel to the 2017 title Senua’s Sacrifice: Hellblade came out around 24 hours ago, and people have been running to get their hands on it via Game Pass or Steam.


The game being excluded from PlayStation consoles has given another reason for people to throw oil on the never-ending console wars. This time, the crowd is comparing the new Hellblade with a PS5 exclusive via their review scores, and the competition is close.

Stellar Blade vs. Hellblade 2: Which One’s Better?

Hellblade 2 is the next game to fall victim to the console war
Hellblade 2 is the next game to fall victim to the console war.

Stellar Blade had a smashing release despite being a new IP. Even pre-orders for its physical release broke records, and Shift Up confirmed sales were beyond expectations.


The new Hellblade, on the other hand, was on Game Pass day one, so there’s no traditional sales number to follow, per se. Plus, it’s a very niche series; beloved by those in the fandom, but not known much outside of it.

Sales-wise, it’s tough to compare. Some gamers have decided to use another metric to compare the two; their Metacritic scores. While the Sony exclusive scored an 81 on Metacritic from 131 critic reviews, the new Hellblade scored 80 from 56 critic reviews.


Some people might consider this a very negligible difference that doesn’t matter in the long run as critics don’t represent an entire group’s reviews, but others felt differently; the bashing on Ninja Theory’s latest release and Xbox began.

Even Ghost of Tsushima, a former PS exclusive that was recently ported to PC, was brought into the conversation. On the other side of the debate, one player claimed the game was better than “any single-player game by Sony,” and it wasn’t even competition for them.


Another user brought up the fact that the original tweet was comparing a four-hour game with a 53-hour game, and the former managed to closely match the score of the latter, falling behind by a single point.


So, who wins the debate? Either of them, both, or none, depending on where you stand. But at the end of the day, does it matter?

Is This a Debate That Needs to Happen?

It's time to put the pitchforks down and respect each other's opinions instead
It’s time to put the pitchforks down and respect each other’s opinions instead

One would think that games that aren’t remotely similar in any shape or form, including gameplay, target audience, story, themes, etc. would be hard to compare. However, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

While a majority of the replies to the tweet were dunking or defending either of the two games in question, some people felt there was no need to compare or bring them down.


One player praised both games, saying they had fun playing Sony’s exclusive and that the Xbox game also looked fun, and they would give it a shot. An 80 and 81 are great Metacritic scores, and debating over a single-point difference feels like reaching at straws at this point.

What’s your opinion on this whole debate between the new Hellblade and Stellar Blade? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 305

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.