“Thank god they didn’t fold”: The Simpsons Co-Creator Assures Homer Will Continue Strangling Bart Despite Pointless Protests

The Simpsons has been on air since 1989 and has seen numerous changes in its edgy humor.

the simpsons co-creator assures homer will continue strangling bart despite pointless protests


  • The Simpsons is one of the most beloved animated sitcoms in the world and has been on air since 1989.
  • The show has also received its share of controversy as its signature edgy humor angers certain sections of fans.
  • The show recently came under fire for implying the end of one of its beloved gags, which the creator assures is not the case.
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The renowned adult animated sitcom The Simpsons recently came under fire for implying that the patriarch of the family Homer Simpson would stop the gag of ‘strangling’ his son Bart. The visual gag has been featured multiple times over the show’s more than thirty-year tenure.


The beloved show has been changing its ways with many of its controversial creative choices and one of them was the gag of strangling Bart. However, the series’ creator James L Brooks assured fans that nothing was going to change and that there would still be moments that the fans loved on the show.

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History of Homer Strangling Bart On The Simpsons

Homer strangling Bart
Homer strangling Bart

For the past thirty-four years, the patriarch of the Simpsons, Homer strangles his son Bart in anger whenever the latter does something to annoy the father. It is one of The Simpsons’ numerous running gags that has become one of its trademarks. The hilarity is because the immature Homer is not mockingly strangling his son, but does it for real.

The show, however, has been changing its ways since the 2000s after coming under fire for many of its gags. Issues such as the controversial depiction of the Indian-American character Apu, voiced by Caucasian actor Hank Azaria, caused a huge stir in the new millennium and Azaria stepped down from voicing the character.

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Still from The Simpsons
Still from The Simpsons

In a recent episode, Homer Simpson implies that he does not strangle Bart anymore after he is congratulated on a firm grip by another character. Homer reportedly says,

“See, Marge, strangling the boy paid off. Just kidding. I don’t do that anymore. Times have changed.”

Other episodes also included criticism of Homer’s habit of strangling his son, with one featuring Homer getting strangled himself to understand what his son goes through before deciding to reduce it.

Also read: Top 5 Celebrity Cameos in The Simpsons


Creator Says That Nothing Will Change On The Simpsons

Characters of The Simpsons
Characters of The Simpsons

The prospect of The Simpsons losing yet another running gag from the show angered many fans. Many have pointed out how the show, known for its edgier style of humor, has not been the same since the 2000s. When asked if anything was changing on The Simpsons, creator James L Brookes stated that nothing would be changed.

In a statement to People Magazine, the co-creator mentioned,

“Don’t think for a second we’re changing anything. Nothing’s getting tamed. Nothing, nothing, nothing. He’ll continue to be strangled—[if] you want to use that awful term for it. He’ll continue to be loved by his father in a specific way.”

Fans of The Simpsons have pointed out that the strangling has been reduced since the 2000s, with the last strangling scene being aired in 2019. Brooks also assured the fans by whipping out an illustration that shows Homer strangling Bart while the latter holds a phone that says, “Simpsons: No more strangling,” while Homer exclaims, “Why you little click baiting -”. Fan reactions to the controversy have been extreme with many being relieved at Brooks’ assurance.














The show is currently airing its 35th season and has already been renewed for a thirty-sixth season, which will air in 2024.

Also read: How Hugh Jackman Roasted America in The Simpsons Season Finale


Written by Nishanth A

Articles Published: 1193

Nishanth A is a Media, English and Psychology graduate from Bangalore. He is an avid DC fanboy and loves the films of Christopher Nolan. He has published over 1,000 articles on FandomWire. When he's not fixating on the entire filmography of a director, he tries to write and direct films.