“That’s a forever memory”: Deadpool 3 Director Reveals One Key Scene in Ryan Reynolds’ Threequel is Directly Taken from Iconic Darth Vader Scene in Star Wars

Shawn Levy hopes that audiences will be able to connect with Deadpool 3 the way they connected to that Star Wars film

Deadpool 3 Director Reveals One Key Scene in Ryan Reynolds’ Threequel is Directly Taken from Iconic Darth Vader Scene in Star Wars


  • Deadpool 3 is slated for a release next year and fans are super excited for the same
  • Levy revealed one crucial scene in the upcoming movie is a direct homage to the iconic 1983 Star Wars film, Return of the Jedi.
  • That crucial scene in the film was so emotionally moving for him that he remembers it fondly
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Deadpool 3 is slated for a release next year and fans are all in for it. With director Shawn Levy working alongside Ryan Reynolds once again, the 2024 film will mark the entry of Deadpool into the MCU along with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine.


Levy revealed one crucial scene in the upcoming movie is a direct homage to the iconic 1983 Star Wars film, Return of the Jedi. Revealing crucial points in a scene from the 1983 movie, Shawn Levy hopes that audiences will be able to connect with Deadpool 3 the way they connected to that Star Wars film.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 3
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 3

When Deadpool 3 Director Was Moved By A Star Wars Scene

Star Wars became a global cultural phenomenon with the iconic story and lore of the universe. With each movie that they released, the craze for the beloved characters grew. George Lucas and other directors gave it their all to continue the legacy of Lucas and the legacy indeed grew.

George Lucas's Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
George Lucas’s Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)

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In 1983, Star Wars Episode VI – Return of the Jedi was released and director Shawn Levy was sitting among the audience in the theater. The Deadpool 3 director revealed to Esquire magazine that one crucial scene in the film was so emotionally moving for him that he decided to keep the scene close to his heart for decades.

“I vividly remember the scene in which Luke is hiding from Vader in the Emperor’s room and Vader gives the speech that ends with ‘If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps your sister will,’”

He further continued,


“It was dead quiet [in the theater]. Pin-drop silence. Suddenly Vader has pushed the wrong button. Luke comes screaming out of the shadows and just goes to town in a light saber battle against Vader. The way that felt: The forty seconds of stillness from the audience, then the spectacle and emotion, is seared not just in my eyeballs but in my heart.”

With the audiences rooting for Luke Skywalker, the scene indeed felt powerful as Darth Vader had indeed pushed the limits of Skywalker. Battling it out, the duo has an epic fight as fans go wild to see the battle between the light and the dark. Well, the scene was so great for director Shawn Levy that he decided to give a homage with his upcoming movie, Deadpool 3.

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Shawn Levy Will Give Homage To That Star Wars Scene

Shawn Levy with Millie Bobby Brown on Stranger Things Season 1 set
Shawn Levy with Millie Bobby Brown on Stranger Things Season 1 set

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Fans are excited for Deadpool 3 with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in the mix. Director Shawn Levy is all set to tip his hat to another legendary franchise and give homage to that Star Wars scene by including it in the upcoming Deadpool 3 movie.

“For one key scene in the movie, I said to my stunt and action team, ‘Guys, this is the Jedi moment.’ I pulled up that scene of Vader and Luke on my phone and restudied how it was photographed, how it was blocked, the framing, the tempo. The keen ‘Star Wars’ fan will see the shot in my ‘Deadpool’ movie that was inspired by a moment that I saw in a theater decades ago. That’s a forever memory. And that’s a treasure.”

With Star Wars in the mix and the MCU ready to welcome the merc-with-a-mouth, Deadpool 3 is set for a release date of 3 May 2024 in theaters across the U.S.


Written by Visarg Acharya

Articles Published: 2132

Visarg Acharya, Associate Content Writer, has been heavily involved in movies, series, and history. Having an experience of 2 years in the field of content writing, Visarg is a seasoned writer. Having a degree in Physics, Visarg Acharya has published a dissertation alongside a plethora of poems and short stories along the way.