“That’s not Captain America, that’s Steve Rogers”: What Chris Evans Did After Thanos Beat up Iron Man and Thor Gets Overlooked a Lot After RDJ’s Endgame Sacrifice

Chris Evans' Captain America in Avengers: Endgame Shines Brightly in an Often-Overlooked Scene.

Chris Evans, Iron Man


  • Chris Evans' portrayal of Captain America in Avengers: Endgame includes a notable scene where he faces Thanos' army alone despite severe injuries.
  • This moment, though overshadowed by Iron Man's sacrifice, highlights Captain America's bravery and heroism.
  • Recent social media discussions have renewed appreciation for this iconic scene and Evans' role as Captain America.
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Being a hero means embodying the courage to battle, defend, and rise unwaveringly against even the most formidable adversary. It also signifies putting one’s life at risk, again and again, until the battle is won or die trying. And in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this could not hold more true for Chris Evans’ character, Captain America.

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger | Marvel Studios
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger | Marvel Studios

Whether it is jumping on a live grenade or going against an enemy twice his size, all through the MCU and Marvel comics, Captain America is always ready to put his life on the line. Despite his zeal and courage, the character’s one daring act in Avengers: Endgame is often overlooked in light of Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man’s sacrifice in the film.

Chris Evans’ Captain America’s Most Overlooked Act of Heroism in Avengers: Endgame

Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America, in Avengers: Endgame | Marvel Studios

Chris Evans might have been apprehensive about starring in a franchise as famous as Marvel, yet that was the best decision he ever took for his career and the whole of MCU. After seeing his portrayal of Captain America, it is but a unanimous understanding amongst fans that there is no other actor who could have portrayed the character as well as he did.


From his first appearance to his last in Avengers: Endgame, Evans’ portrayal has remained consistent with the Marvel comics lore, making him the perfect embodiment of the character in reel life. While fans have appreciated and loved his portrayal throughout, one scene of his as Captain America from his last film gets massively overlooked.

The scene in question is Endgame’s final battle when Thanos brutally beats up Thor and Iron Man and breaks Captain’s shield in half. As the Mad Titan’s alien army starts to descend for an epic fight, despite being hurt and injured, Captain America gets up ready to fight them all alone.

While the rest of the Avengers show up just in time, leading to MCU’s first ‘Avengers… Assemble!’ scene, Chris Evan’s bruised-up hero going alone against an alien army is too iconic of a scene that gets overlooked due to Robert Downey Jr.‘s Iron Man’s sacrifice in the Marvel flick. And, recently the scene resurfaced on the internet and fans couldn’t help but applaud Captain America and Chris Evans’ phenomenal portrayal.


Chris Evans’ Iconic Endgame Scene Makes Fans Respect Captain America More

Chris Evans in Avengers: Endgame as Steve Rogers
Chris Evans in the iconic Avengers: Endgame scene | Marvel Studios

Chris Evans’ Captain America has always been one of the most favorite, lauded, and respected heroes of the Marvel Cinematic and Comic verse. While Evans’ portrayal was a masterclass in heroism and sacrifice, his character nonetheless gets overlooked in one scene that was supposed to be one of his shining moments.

As the Captain stands alone, battered, bloody, and broken with a half-cracked shield, with his unyielding spirit still intact, the scene embodies the true spirit of the character. Recently the scene went viral on Instagram, reminding fans of the raw, heroic essence of Captain America.

It’s serious when general ross said “you might be the Captain America, but you are NOT Steve Rogers.” -@embry_randy

That’s not Captain America, that’s Steve Rogers. -@john_sherman

This scene shows why he is leading Avengers .. this is not cz of serum bt his bravery for sure. -@reddevil1617

Anyone can be captain america, but not everyone can be Steve Rogers. -@dhwanit_24

That walk scares me more than that Thanos himself and his whole army! -@pete_mitchell_7

That’s what makes him “The Captian America”. -@ihan._.03

As the scene resurfaces, the admiration for Chris Evan’s portrayal has reignited among fans. Not only is this iconic moment a testament to the depth and strength of both the character and the actor, but is also nostalgic for fans who have been reminiscing about the good old Marvel days.


Avengers: Endgame can be streamed on Disney+.


Written by Maria Sultan

Articles Published: 1471

Maria Sultan is a News Content Writer at FandomWire. Having honed her skills are a Freelance and Professional content writer for more than 5 years (and counting), her expertise spans various genres and content type. A Political Science and History Graduate, her deep interest in the world around shapes her writing, blending her insights across diverse themes.

Outside the realm of writing, Maria can be often found buried in the world of books or pursuing art or engaged in fervent discussions about anything or everything, her passions balanced by binge watching Kdramas, Anime, Movies or Series during leisure hours.