The Axis Unseen will Have 3 ‘Features’ that Every Game Needs to Start Including, and it’s a Serious Indictment of the Former Fallout Developer’s Dedication to the Average Gamer Above All Else

'Gamers revel in missing features.'

The Axis Unseen and Fortnite


  • Nate Purkeypile left Bethesda Studios to launch his own Just Purkey Games.
  • Now, he is closing in on the release of his upcoming video game The Axis Unseen.
  • The Axis Unseen will come with no microtransactions, always-on internet requirement, or DRM.
  • This is seen as a challenge to the current AAA focus on profit and fans are loving it.
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The Axis Unseen is an upcoming horror game where players hunt different monsters that can only be heard of in stories that come from different parts of the world. The game comes from one of the former Fallout developers, Nate Purkeypile.


His latest creation promises to be a unique experience. This is not because of a story on its own, but because the game will feature three things every game needs to start including. These can’t be found in modern AAA titles, but Purkeypile promises it will revolutionize indie games. 

The Axis Unseen is your next Anti-Greed Game and Here is Why

The Axis Unseen features creatures from folklore
The Axis Unseen features creatures from folklore.

Recently, Purkeypile took to X (formerly Twitter) with a few more details on his upcoming The Axis Unseen video game. In his post, the former Fallout developer said that his video game will come with several features that have become increasingly rare: no internet required, no microtransactions, and no digital rights management (DRM).


For many gamers, an always-on internet connection has been a major drawback. Not everyone has reliable internet access that will allow a smooth gameplay experience. The freedom to play offline is something many gamers, wary of online data connection and connection issues, are fond of, and with an exciting premise and a map bigger than Skyrim, The Axis Unseen is a title everyone should be excited about. 

Moreover, the open-world adventure will feature no microtransactions. These have become a constant issue and a talkative point in gaming. While having no microtransactions possibly means limited cosmetics, the true average gamer is more interested in a heavy grind and looting rather than buying a diamond crossbow.

Having no digital rights management is also a benefit for both players and developers. Gamers will be able to install and play the game on their devices without worrying about any kind of restrictions by DRM software.


On the other hand, developers, including Nate, will be able to focus on core gameplay, rather than wasting time and resources on DRM software implementation and troubleshooting. These 3 features make the upcoming horror adventure even more desirable in addition to the gameplay and story. 

The AAA Games Have Lost Its Way and Players Know It 

The Axis Unseen promises horror adventure
The Axis Unseen promises a horror adventure.

The man behind The Axis Unseen has worked for Bethesda Studios, one of many AAA studios that have paved the way for microtransactions and other standards he went against in his latest creation. 

The industry giants have come to rely more and more on the ‘features’ missing in The Axis Unseen as they tend to prioritize profit. Players are often bombarded to buy new items that are often pay-to-win, with a few exceptions that just offer cosmetics. 


Moreover, an always-online requirement like in Fallout 76 and other live-service games can be frustrating at times for everyone. How many times there was a server outage even in the latest releases, read xDefiant, among many other examples. 

While it promises a return to basics, it seems that many are missing just that. It is only left to be seen how Nate will keep the players engaged.

While this dramatic take on the current problems won’t change the industry, it can certainly spark hope for change. What are your thoughts on the upcoming The Axis Unseen? Let us know in the comments.


Written by Nikola Pajtic

Articles Published: 51

Nikola is an avid gamer and a pop culture buff. When he is not writing, he is either playing Final Fantasy, thinking about what Lovecraft stories can be adapted into film or video game, and watching new Doctor Who episodes.