The Batman: Caped Crusader is Walking a Fine Line, Can Easily Tip Over and Make a Mistake Bruce Timm Made in Gotham by Gaslight

The Caped Crusader's trailer has raised expectations for the upcoming animated series.

the batman caped crusader-gotham by gaslight


  • Back in 2018, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, made a major mistake via its treatment of James Gordon, Gotham City's police commissioner.
  • The character, traditionally an integral ally for Batman, was transformed into the villain, and was shown as Jack the Ripper in the movie.
  • Fans will hope that a similar mistake is not committed by The Caped Crusader, which is set in a similar era as Gotham by Gaslight.
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Ever since Batman evolved as a major superhero in the DC Comics, some elements of the character and its lore have been considered sacred by fans worldwide. Be it his history with the Joker, his ability to integrate technology with his crime-fighting initiatives, and the fact that Batman was raised as an orphan, some elements of Gotham’s caped crusader have remained untouchable.


However, back in the 2018 animated film, Gotham by Gaslight, one iconic figure associated with Batman had a bit of a character breakdown. Set in Victorian-era Gotham City, the character of Gotham’s police commissioner, James Gordon, was revealed as infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper.

Batman's 1940s inspired costume from Bruce Timm's Batman: Caped Crusader (via Prime Video)
Batman’s 1940s-inspired costume from Bruce Timm’s Batman: Caped Crusader (via Prime Video)

An error that did not resonate with fans well, Gotham by Gaslight is one of the lesser-known projects that Bruce Timm has worked on. Now, as fans await the release of the upcoming animated series, Batman: Caped Crusader, fans will be hoping a similar mistake is not repeated.


Batman: The Caped Crusader has a similar vibe as Gotham by Gaslight

Batman in Gotham by Gaslight (2017)
Batman in Gotham by Gaslight (2017)

The Caped Crusader saw the release of its first full-length trailer recently, and gave fans a thrilling look into what they can expect from the upcoming series. Set in a similar setting as Gotham by Gaslight, fans get a look at a version of the Batman who is still starting off with crime-fighting.

As a result, instead of being seen as a savior, he is seen as a villain, as a number of villains associated with the character appear in the trailer. This includes the likes of Two-Face, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Harvey Dent, as Gotham’s police are seen attempting to catch the caped crusader.

Featuring a range of similarities with Gotham by Gaslight, which also had Bruce Timm as the producer, fans might worry that it might push boundaries in a similar way, leading to mistakes that might not be well-met in light of the character’s overall lore and development. 


While Gotham by Gaslight featured a betrayal by James Gordon, The Caped Crusader seemingly hinges on turning the superhero into a villain, which is bound to be viewed as a step too far, by fans.

What exactly did Gotham by Gaslight get wrong?

Bruce Wayne/Batman in Gotham by Gaslight
Bruce Wayne/Batman in Gotham by Gaslight. | DC

Gotham by Gaslight in some ways became a victim of its creators’ creativity. The show, set in a Victorian-era Gotham, shed light on the descent of James Gordon into madness. The police commissioner of the city has permanently been viewed as a bacon of justice and emerges as a crucial ally to Batman in most narratives.

However, in Gotham by Gaslight, he transformed into the infamous serial killer Jack the Ripper, a fate that had been explained via a range of tragedies he underwent earlier in life. This included a parentless childhood, which led to him being raised by strict nuns, as Gordon grew up to fight for the Union Army in the American Civil War.


This, and the tragedies that he suffers through his time as an Armyman, ultimately leads the police commissioner to madness, as he becomes Jack the Ripper, and is revealed as the major villain in the standalone narrative. Undoubtedly, taking things a bit too far, fans will firmly hope that a similar fate does not await The Caped Crusader.

Batman: The Caped Crusader is set to premiere on Amazon Prime on 1st August 2024.


Written by Rishabh Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 78

Rishabh Bhatnagar is an Entertainment and pop culture journalist/editor with Fandom Wire. He has more than 6 years of experience working for multiple major platforms and is himself an avid consumer of worthwhile content. A natural storyteller, Rishabh has a unique way with words and is always looking to improve, as a storyteller, writer, and a journalist.