The Game Awards 2023 Will Feature Trailers for Dishonored 3 and Monster Hunter 6 According to a Leak

Three major games might be announced during The Game Awards 2023.


  • These are two sequels and one Gold Edition of a game.
  • These three are major IPs with highly anticipated titles.
  • Some of these games might be the biggest releases of 2024.
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As fans gear up for The Game Awards, there are multiple rumors and speculations about the games being announced this time around. Many of these reveals will add to the anticipation and hype for gaming coming in 2024, and a few later than that.


According to a recent Reddit discussion and leak, there are three major titles that might just get revealed at The Game Awards. The games range from adventure, and action to open-world and stealth. The leaks come from a popular user online. 

The Game Awards will air on all major platforms, such as YouTube and Twitch, on December 7, 7:30 PM ET. 


The three games we might see at The Game Awards belong to major IPs

The Game Awards game announcements
The Game Awards will likely introduce fans to highly anticipated new games.

Before we keep you further in suspense, the three games mentioned are Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition, Monster Hunter 6, and Dishonored 3. There’s a chance that this version of Monster Hunter will be called Monster Hunter Wild. According to the leaks, an online personality who goes by the name of Dusk Golem has revealed this. 

Originally, this leak came from 4Chan screenshots but has made its way across multiple platforms and an ongoing discussion for the same has been going on. There’s no real evidence that would support the fact that we’ll certainly see the reveal of these games, yet the hype and anticipation surrounding the same is uncanny. 

The leaks seem to originally make their way from a Discord server, where Night Golum has listed out the games players can expect to see revealed at The Game Awards. All of these games are popular and loved in their own right and have long-time franchises backing their previous games across multiple platforms. 


While these are just three titles that are expected to be shown off at The Game Awards, we can likely expect a few more surprising releases showcased during the ceremony.

If the leaks are true, what can we expect? 

Dishonored 3 leak
Dishonored fans will enjoy a look at a familiar world with new gameplay and characters.

While we’re not sure whether we’ll see a short glimpse of these games or full-fledged gameplay of the same; there’s no denying that all these games are being developed by studios who have experience sharpening the IP in the past.

For instance, the next Monster Hunter will certainly take the game to new heights considering how innovative recent titles were. World was a huge game with multiple maps to explore and brought the game’s magic to multiple platforms. Meanwhile, Rise introduced new mechanics and quality-of-life changes to the game. The next one will likely blend everything into a fresh take on how players otherwise view the franchise. 


There’s a little guesswork to be made with what exactly Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition will introduce. A comment on the post by user dddd11187 suggests:

I still wonder if RE4 Gold Edition might contain one last piece of DLC. It’s fair to assume that is Capcom’s RE release for 2024 and then a likely RE9 reveal for 2025

This one’s a nice speculation, considering how Resident Evil 4 has the potential for many untold stories and characters across the board. We’ll have to wait and watch to know more about this one. Regardless, we can expect the thrilling gameplay to make a return, while we find new ways of fighting the undead. 

Finally, Dishonored 3 will likely be a big opportunity for Arkane Studios, considering the pitfall that Redfall was. The next game in the stealth-action series will likely continue bringing fans detailed map designs with replayable gameplay loops. The previous Dishonored games in the series had us choose either of two protagonists: Emily or Corvo. Both of them added to the game with their unique perspectives and character abilities. 


As exciting as it may seem to expect such huge titles to make their way to The Game Awards, it’s cautionary to set our expectations since none of this is confirmed officially.

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Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 568

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.