“It could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming”: The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann Hypes Up His Next Game in a Predictable Fashion

Naughty Dog is going to do what it's good at. Once again.

the last of us, neil druckmann
Credits: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons


  • In an interview with Sony, Nick reveals his vision for the future of video games.
  • Naughty Dog will be creating more experiences like The Last of Us.
  • Nick feels excited about young talent joining the studio and contributing to new ideas.
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The creator of franchises like The Last of Us and Uncharted has some news for fans of the genre. Neil Druckmann has said a few words about Naughty Dog’s upcoming game and how it will likely shift gears for the industry.


While there’s little detail regarding the game itself, it seems like the upcoming title will pay a lot of attention to storytelling and how the industry views the gaming industry. Thankfully, this is something the studio has pioneered in the past.

The Next Decade is Going to be Huge for Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog future games
The future looks ambitious for the studio.

Sony’s interview with Neil Druckkman indicates a big future for Naughty Dog. Not only is the studio working on a fresh game, but there’s also a chance for the third chapter of The Last of Us. Keeping in mind current trends and the future of video games, Sony asked Neil a bunch of questions about gaming.


A key highlight has been his focus on transmedia storytelling and how the future of interactive storytelling will likely shift gears for the industry as a whole. Neil points out how the success of The Last of Us has led to further widening the potential for this medium:

This visibility excites me not only for our current project but for the broader potential of gaming to captivate a global audience. I’m eager to see how this new game resonates, especially following the success of The Last of Us, as it could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming.

The game’s cultural influence has been pushed thanks to the TV show adaptation. On a similar note, Neil believes that the studio has what it takes to keep challenging the horizons of interactive storytelling.

What Does This Mean for The Last of Us?

The Last of Us kids
This could entail a new direction for the team.

Considering the conversations around the studio’s successful post-apocalyptic adventure, all of this may seem like a hint at The Last of Us: Part 3. However, there’s no evidence supporting this, and Neil is merely speaking about the studio’s art direction and philosophy of designing games.


However, their next game does seem to hold the vision for telling yet another story that could directly translate into a movie or TV Show in the long run. Neil has spoken about young and talented individuals are making an entry into the industry, and how it can help the studio:

I get excited thinking about how I can create a studio culture that supports them. That’s why at Naughty Dog, we promote open collaboration, allowing ideas from any level to influence our projects, which ensures that the best ideas always prevail.

These words of assurance can mean a lot to the fans who’ve been following Naughty Dog’s works for years, and it’s a good time to be excited about the future of story-driven games.

What do you think about Neil’s thoughts on the future of video games? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 505

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.