“In Treyarch we trust”: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s First Teaser Has Been Uncovered Weeks Ahead of Xbox Summer Showcase Prompts Activision Blizzard Fans to ask ‘Are we Back?’

Treyarch is anticipating the release of the first trailer.

call of duty: black ops 6’s first teaser


  • Call of Duty Black Ops 6 has just released two live-action teasers, anticipating the first reveal of the upcoming game.
  • You can view updates on the Black Ops Gulf War on the website that these teasers link to.
  • Treyarch will reportedly reveal the game on June 9, after the Xbox Summer Showcase.
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Treyarch and Activision have released two teasers ahead of the official reveal of the next entry in the Call of Duty franchise, less than a month away. In the teasers for this game, known as Black Ops 6, you can see a group of men sabotaging Mount Rushmore while uttering the phrase “The Truth Lies” a reference to a conspiracy theory that you will likely encounter in the game.


Once the teaser is over, it shows you a website to visit, where you can interact with an old TV to see these videos and uncover the truth.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Is Anticipating the Reveal of the First Trailer

call of duty
The teaser is a taste of what’s to come.

Activision and Xbox have announced that the first new trailer and reveal of the next Call of Duty will take place on June 9. Both companies have revealed two new live-action teasers for the upcoming game of the franchise, featuring a group of men making changes to Mount Rushmore and leaving a message behind. Treyarch carried on with this, creating a second teaser featuring the same group of people making a different statement.


The message “The Truth Lies” is all over both teasers, anticipating some kind of conspiracy theory. Rumors suggest that this game will be a direct sequel to the second Black Ops, featuring the original characters from that story.

There is almost no other information about what the main plot of the game will be or what kind of story it will have. Treyarch will be the studio in charge of the game.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, and the Hype, Is Real

call of duty black ops 6
The interactive TV has multiple channels you can switch over to.

The fans’ reaction to X is very positive; the players seem excited about the upcoming game. This is an opportunity for Activision to make a better experience for the fans after the biggest failure of the franchise with Modern Warfare 3.

On the official website of these new teasers, there is an old TV where users can interact, see the videos, and discover some secrets. Activision is working very hard to make players hyped about the title.


The last few games of Treyarch were not so well received because of the lack of content and poor story in general compared to previous games. Call of Duty Black Ops 6 seems to have fans very excited about the work that the studio is doing by promoting the title.

Activision has confirmed that this game has a proper story mode that is not integrated with Warzone as Modern Warfare 3. It could be a good year for the IP.

On June 9, the next game in the franchise will be introduced after the Xbox event is finished. This will be the first official title to be fully integrated into the Microsoft ecosystem as part of the company. There are many rumors saying that the game will also be on Game Pass, a new and more expensive tier of the service that will be introduced later. This strategy could really work for the company.


What are your thoughts about the teasers? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 638

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.