Valve Still Won’t Give Us Half-Life 3, But Its Reported Overwatch-Style 6v6 Game May Have Leaked

Deadlock seems very real, and if it is, Valve isn't what it was.

half-life 2, overwatch


  • Valve is one of the most reputed video game companies in the industry.
  • For years, gamers have been begging the studio to release Half-Life 2.
  • The next game from the studio, unfortunately, isn't that, but an Overwatch-style shooter no one asked for.
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Valve is one of the most reputed video game companies in the industry. Having been in the industry for over 25 years, the company is known not only for cult video game series like Half-Life but also for revolutionizing the digital PC software marketplace with Steam.


Fans have asked the video company for Half-Life 3 for a long time. But to no avail. Now, it seems the company is all set to expand its horizons by releasing a 6v6 hero-shooter similar to Overwatch.

Valve’s 6v6 Hero Shooter, Deadlock’s Screenshots Leaked on Social Media

No Half-Life 3, seemingly no problem.
No Half-Life 3, seemingly no problem.

Valve is a studio that makes headlines even when it doesn’t develop games for numerous reasons. Deadlock is allegedly an upcoming title being developed by the studio, and news about the game started doing the rounds on X and other social media platforms.


Valve's Next Major Game - DEADLOCK - Has Leaked

Independent video game reporter Tyler McVicker, creator of News Network, also made a YouTube video stating that the game is currently in the alpha state.

Moreover, video game testers on X started sharing screenshots of the game, and these rumors gradually snowballed. After that, a prominent social media influencer on X, Gabe Follower, posted this on his account:


The screenshots show that the game is closer to a third-person shooter but with distinct heroes, each having unique abilities, similar to titles like Overwatch and Valorant. Compared to previous works by Valve, it seems different, as the studio has mostly steered clear of third-person studios.

But that may not be the only thing the studio is doing differently, because the lack of new narrative-driven games also means that Valve is only a shadow of what it once was. And if Deadlock is coming out, this may mean that Half-Life 3 may never be released.

Why Valve Taking an Overwatch-Style Shooter Instead of Something Novel May be Terrible News

Looks like gamers are never going to see Valve release a title with Gordon Freeman again.
Looks like gamers are never going to see Valve release a title with Gordon Freeman again.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort and research to find that people still want the studio to create a third installment in the HalfLife series because the first two were massive hits among gamers. But Valve seems to neglect those requests repeatedly to pursue different goals.


Whether it is a complete overhaul of Counter Strike Global Offensive or creating standalone versions of mods created by the community, the studio wasn’t always this pro-status quo regarding its video game creation endeavors.

It challenged the lack of solid narratives in first-person shooters with titles like Portal and Half-Life. The latter especially came out when titles like Doom and Duke Nukem were popular. These titles were appreciated because they focused more on the action and didn’t have the player going through information and dialogue.

If Deadlock is what the community is making it out to be. In that case, Gabe Newell and his company aren’t what they were before, which is unfortunate. What do you think of the studio’s change in direction? We would love to know what you think in the comment section below.


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 430

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.