What are Maximum Techniques? Of the 3 Jujutsu Kaisen Characters, Only 1 Curse User Still Alive Can Use This Devastating Ability

Even the King of Curses is afraid of the Maximum Technique.

What are Maximum Techniques? Of the 3 Jujutsu Kaisen Characters, Only 1 Curse User Still Alive Can Use This Devastating Ability


  • The Maximum Technique is one of the most potent abilities in 'Jujutsu Kaisen', which falls in the same category as the Reversed Cursed Technique and Domain Expansion, with devastating results.
  • Only three people have been shown to use the Maximum Technique, with Eso being the first, Jogo being the second and Suguro Geto being the third.
  • Maximum Technique helps in bringing about the full potential of a person into a single attack, and most often it is used as a last-ditch effort.
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Jujutsu Kaisen is full of interesting techniques. The concept of Cursed Energy is unique in itself. From that concept came several other techniques that have made Jujutsu Kaisen one of the most popular anime of all time. Recently, season 2 ended, and due to its massive success season 3 was announced, which will be based on the Culling Games arc.


Several abilities in Jujutsu Kaisen are yet to be shown in the anime. Even so, only a few people know all the abilities in Gege Akutami’s magnum opus. Reversed Cursed Technique and Domain Expansion is one of the most powerful abilities, but another ability is as powerful as them. The name of that technique is ‘Maximum Technique’. Spoilers ahead!

Maximum Technique and Its Recipients in Jujutsu Kaisen

eso maximum wing king
Eso’s Maximum: Wing King

Maximum Technique is a certain type of ability that allows its user to bring out their maximum potential. Innate techniques are pretty powerful when used correctly, and using the Maximum Technique will allow the person to maximize the damage dealt. Maximum Technique is one of the most potent abilities in Jujutsu Kaisen, and if used correctly it can even ensure victory in a battle. Destruction and devastation do not even come close to this ability.


Several Cursed Spirits and Jujutsu sorcerers can use the Maximum Technique. But till now, only three people have showcased it. The first one to showcase this technique was Eso, one of the nine Cursed Womb Death Paintings. He can use the Rot Technique, which allows him to use his blood’s poisonous and corrosive properties to decompose his target. Eso’s Maximum: Wing King allows him to create wasp-like blood wings that grant him mobility and the gift of flight during fights, and can also shoot lines of blood from long range.

jogo maximum meteor
Jogo’s Maximum: Meteor

The second character to use the Maximum Technique was Jogo. Jogo was one of the four Disaster Curses and had the opportunity to fight the Strongest sorcerer as well as the King of Curses. Jogo’s innate technique is Disaster Flames, and he is a fire Cursed Spirit who is strong enough to incinerate several Grade One sorcerers at once. During his fight with Sukuna, he used Maximum: Meteor, which summons a massive blazing meteor strong enough to destroy the whole city. Even Sukuna admitted that it was strong enough to hurt him.

The third person to use the Maximum Technique was Suguru Geto. Suguru Geto was a Special Grade sorcerer, and his innate technique was Cursed Spirit Manipulation. The power grants him the ability to control Cursed Spirits. Weak ones are easier to control, while the stronger ones need to be defeated first. He could also take over other sorcerer’s cursed spirits after defeating their masters. After he died, his body was taken over by Kenjaku, who inherited all of his techniques.

Suguru Geto Maximum: Uzumaki
Suguru Geto’s Maximum: Uzumaki

Kenjaku as Suguru Geto used his Maximum: Uzumaki for the first time against Yuta Okkotsu. His Maximum Technique allows him to combine all the curses in possession into a powerful attack. After Kenjaku took over his body, he used it against Yuki Tsukumo.

More on Jujutsu Kaisen

Out of three Maximum Technique users, only Suguru Geto is alive, albeit under Kenjaku’s control. Every one of the Maximum Technique users showcased devastating powers. Gege Akutami might bring out more Maximum Technique users in the future. Even though Eso and Jogo lost after using their most potent technique, Kenjaku used that technique to win against Yuki Tsukumo’s Star Rage.

Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Characters like Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna never showcased their Maximum Techniques since they never faced the necessity of using it. It is a last-ditch effort to focus their full energy into one single attack. Gege Akutami is careful with their characters, so it will be interesting to see who can join the elite list of Maximum Technique users with the Jujutsu Kaisen manga nearing its end.

Priyanko Chakraborty

Written by Priyanko Chakraborty

Articles Published: 645

Priyanko is a Content Writer at FandomWire, and specializes in anime. He is currently pursuing his Master's Degree in Economics. Priyanko has previously worked as a content writing intern. He spends half of his day writing on anime, and the other half watching it.