“I mourn E3 because we don’t have these moments anymore”: Without E3 We Wouldn’t Have Star Wars Outlaws or Countless Other Games

Star Wars Outlaws' creative director mourns the loss of major gaming events like E3.

star wars outlaws


  • The creative director of Star Wars Outlaws is upset to see E3 get shut down.
  • Ubisoft has a lot to prove with this original Star Wars project.
  • Star Wars Outlaws is set to be released later this year on various gaming platforms.
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Star Wars Outlaws is set to be released later this year and the gaming community is eager to see what Ubisoft has been working on for the past few years. The gaming industry is evolving, the old ways are now being left to rust and not everyone is ready to move on.


The creative director of the upcoming project is sad to see how major gaming events have been discontinued. Older games benefitted from these events by being showcased by the developers and were perfect for sharing gameplay footage and other things to excite the gaming community.

Star Wars Outlaws is Seemingly Another Casualty of Modern Gaming Trends

The creative director of Star Wars Outlaws is upset that this project will not receive the same treatment that others had.
The creative director of Star Wars Outlaws is upset that this project will not receive the same treatment that others did. Image Credit: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has greatly contributed to the gaming community and has given the world plenty of games to enjoy. However, there is no guarantee that the fans will be satisfied with everything the studio releases. Some are already sharing ideas for a potential expansion for Star Wars Outlaws and some are grateful for what is given.


Disappointment goes both ways. Both the players and the developers are disappointed when gaming events like E3 are shut down or no longer supported.

In a recent interview, Julian Gerighty, the creative director of the upcoming Star Wars project, expressed his profound disappointment over the loss of traditional gaming conventions.

I mourn E3 because we don’t have these moments anymore.

It is a shame to see these classic gaming events forgotten because of how fast paced everything is nowadays. Nothing lasts forever and all good things must come to an end. The video games that benefited from these events will be a random memory for the future community to discover.


Major gaming studios usually host a dedicated event for specific games and the feeling is not the same as the good old days with E3. Sony would present new PlayStation games through State of Plays, Nintendo does the same with Nintendo Directs, and Ubisoft is doing Ubisoft Forward.

The days when people would travel from different parts of the world to attend an event have been replaced with livestreams.

Star Wars Outlaws Was Conceived During an E3 Event

The magic of gaming conventions is to bring people together and interact with others, which is no longer the trend nowadays. Image Credit: Ubisoft

It is strange to be surrounded by people with similar interests and freely talk about games and subjects in a safe place. E3 was a haven for the gaming community that was taken away after it failed to stand the test of time.


Game developers would bring in everything they had to share with the fans, and it would bring them to tears. The hype train was unmatched and is hard to replicate given how far advanced the world is into the digital age.

The upcoming Star Wars project would have benefited from this social gathering. Ubisoft had to make some creative choices to market this new game without the help of gaming conventions.

Older games benefited from gaming conventions, which helped elevate the gaming industry. Perhaps there will come a time when this idea will be revived.


Do you think Star Wars Outlaws would have benefited from E3? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 695

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.