“You don’t have time to take off the shoes”: Jackie Chan Faced Horrible Years of “Very Tough” Training That He Was Forced To Endure As a Child

“You don’t have time to take off the shoes”: Jackie Chan Faced Horrible Years of “Very Tough” Training That He Was Forced To Endure As a Child
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All the fame and recognition Jackie Chan has today hides a very painful childhood. To get where he is today, the actor essentially had to sacrifice his entire childhood, in the pursuit of truly honing his craft. He can now proudly state that after years of rigorous training, he has reached a pinnacle where his abilities stand unmatched by anyone else in the industry.


As the actor now approaches his 70th birthday, he finds himself contemplating doing any more of his signature action films and how it takes a toll on his body. In a candid conversation with GQ, Jackie Chan delved into these topics and more, shedding light on the remarkable journey he has had over the years.

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan

Also Read: “I was so embarrassed, I hate myself”: Jackie Chan Had a Rude Awakening After He Stopped Partying to Finally Visit a Children’s Hospital


Jackie Chan’s Time in the China Drama Academy Was Not Pleasant

Jackie Chan spent ten years of his life laying the bricks for his future to stand on. While this intensive preparation did prepare him for the journey ahead, the excruciating training he endured was undeniably taxing. While it planted the seeds for everything he would become in the future, the sacrifice of his childhood cannot be easily justified. Speaking to GQ, the actor explained what a typical day at the academy looked like for the thousands of students that went there. He said,

“You get up five o’clock in the morning. Training until five o’clock. We would never take off the shoes. You don’t have time to take off the shoes. Tough training. Very tough. Hours—a thousand punch, 500 kick. Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa. Turn-around kick, hundred. Left side, hundred.”

Jackie Chan in his younger days
Jackie Chan in his younger days

Despite the grueling regimen that has drained every fiber of his being, he remained fortunate enough to be one among the thousands who were on this journey alongside him as he stated,

“Sometimes I look back myself. It really is a miracle,–So many people work very hard. Why I just come out? Lucky, yes. It’s not just lucky. I work very hard, when I was young. Everybody sleeping, I still watch the mirror, to do a drunken style.”

Although Chan does acknowledge that his tireless dedication and hard work have brought him to where he stands today, when combined with a dash of luck, this deadly combination has been the secret to his remarkable longevity in the industry, allowing him to reach the unfathomable heights of success he currently enjoys, is what he believes.


Also Read: “Did I kill somebody?”: Jackie Chan Beat Up 7 People After They Tried to Pick a Fight With Him, Ran Away From the Place With Bloody Shoes in Absolute Fear

Jackie Chan Contemplates the Future of Action Films in His Career

Jackie Chan, at the age of 69, has achieved more for the action genre than even an entire generation might fail to accomplish. The actor’s unparalleled talent in martial arts has not only elevated the genre to new heights but also ushered it into the mainstream. And now that he is soon approaching his 70th birthday, the actor isn’t so sure he should be following his path anymore. In the same GQ interview, the actor stated,

“I know I’m not young anymore. I cannot continue to make ‘Rush Hour 1, 2, 3, 4, 5’. If I’m [to] continue on in the film industry. I have to change. “Otherwise, you’re gone. You see in Japan. Korea. America. China. Hong Kong. How many action stars are all gone? Only a few can stay around.”

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan

Now that he is at the pinnacle of his career, he feels a change is necessary for his further viability in the show business. Although the actor has ventured into filmmaking and production quite successfully, in terms of films, he now feels he should change a few things to make it easier for him as well. Thus, it can now be said, that his action days are numbered, and fans are quite hopeful to see what he does next.


Also Read: “This is going to be f—king genius”: Rush Hour Director Knew He Struck Gold When Hilarity Ensued After Both Actors Got Lost in Translation

Source: GQ


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 958

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.