Masashi Kishimoto F**ked Up: Might Guy Would Have Clapped Madara Uchiha Had Kishimoto Not Forgotten to Remove Taijutsu God’s Self-Imposed Handicap

might guy, madara uchiha, naruto
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Masashi Kishimoto might be one of the supreme Gods of the Shonen genre, but even he has his bad days. There are multiple interviews where he has admitted his regrets with Naruto. But one glaring mistake in the series has fans questioning their idol.

Spoiler Alert!
Naruto spoilers ahead

Might Guy, the Taijutsu God in Naruto, was involved in quite a few major battles, but the fight against Madara was absolutely remarkable. However, fans have managed to find one fatal mistake in the sequence, enough to spoil the fun of it.

Did Might Guy Wear Weights During His Fight With Madara?

Might Guy in Naruto
Might Guy using the Eight Gates in Naruto: Shippuden

Might Guy specializes in taijutsu to the point that even Madara was forced to acknowledge his power. During his battle with Madara, he uses Night Guy to charge at the villain and his kick obliterates Madara’s torso.


However, the attack does more harm to Guy than it did to Madara. While Guy succumbs to the exhaustion and broken bones, Madara regenerates. He even has the audacity to thank Guy for being a great opponent before trying to end him. Thankfully, Naruto saves him at the last moment.

It was an awesome battle and fans were really impressed…until they realized one very crucial aspect of the scene. Might Guy could have been wearing his ankle weights all along the battle.

Might Guy Vs Madara Naruto
Might Guy Vs Madara |Naruto | Studio Pierrot

Both Rock Lee and Might Guy wear the same style of ankle weights. In one of the most memorable scenes of Naruto, Rock Lee dropped his weight and instantly achieved the speed of light. (or something similar to it)


While it has not been confirmed if Might Guy also wore the same ankle weights as Rock Lee, many fans assume the same. If he indeed wore the same weights as his student, then the results of the battle seem completely dubious.

Revised Battle Results if Might Guy Had Taken Off His Weights in Naruto

If Might Guy was indeed wearing weights and had genuinely forgotten to take them off, the entire result of the battle against Madara seems useless. There is no solid evidence pointing out that Might Guy wore the same ankle weights as Rock Lee, but fans like to believe that the same leg warmer could mean Might Guy was just passing on his technique.

Might Guy preparing to fight Madara Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto
Might Guy preparing to fight Madara | Naruto Studio Pierrot

Let’s assume that Might Guy was actually wearing weights, had he remembered to take them off, maybe his legs would have been spared during the battle. Might Guy came incredibly close to defeating Madara in his battle, and he would have actually been successful.


On the downside, it was never Might Guy’s place to defeat Madara. Had he been successful, it would have spoiled the rest of the story. It is highly likely that Guy never actually wore weights and they were just leg warmers he was using.

After all, who forgets to take off the weight of the world before a major battle?

You can read Naruto on Viz Media and watch the anime on Crunchyroll.


Written by Aaheli Pradhan

Articles Published: 198

Aaheli is an anime content writer at FandomeWire. With four years of experience under her belt, she is a living, breathing encyclopedia for anime and manga. She believes in living a slow life, surrounded by incomplete art projects and her beloved cat.