“Only have to wait another 2 years”: Prince of Persia Fans Are Not Happy With the Release Window Given at the 2024 Ubisoft Forward for the Sands of Time Remake

Gamers must wish they could fast-forward time to finally experience the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake!


  • The Prince of Persia Sands of Time Remake reveal year was shared during the Ubisoft Forward stream.
  • While the title will be released in 2026, gamers are not happy with the lack of gameplay or substantial information from the team.
  • Many have taken to social media to criticize the studio for the trailer.
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Prince of Persia is easily one of Ubisoft’s most iconic franchises. While the history of the name goes back to 1989, the company’s first installment with the title was in 2003 with Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. The game was available on almost every major platform and became a very popular title for the studio.


Since then, multiple games have been released under the same name, but featuring vastly different characters, art styles, and stories. But, as it happens with nostalgia, the gamer’s heart wishes to return to olden times. Remakes help with this, and we are getting one for Sands of Time, but not anytime soon.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake Reveals Release Year at Ubisoft Forward

Prince of Persia Sands of Time fans are in for a long wait.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time fans are in for a long wait.

News of the remake was first revealed in 2020, with the project being headed by the Indian Ubisoft studios in Mumbai and Pune. Criticism from some fans delayed the project indefinitely. The reasoning was to create a remake that felt fresh but stayed true to the core elements of the original release.


Prince of Persia The Sands of Time - Teaser Trailer | Ubisoft Forward

We finally have some new information about the game revealed during the Ubisoft Forward stream. The incredibly short 30-second CGI trailer is over before it even begins, letting us know the game is slated for release sometime in 2026.

Even with the Toronto wing of the studio jumping in to help the game’s development, it appears this is all we get, and fans are not happy.


Many are commenting on how having just a year reveal trailer feels like it’s to

The information provided is quite little given the amount of time the game has seemingly been in development.


One fan even states that the original announcement was back in September 2020, marking just how much time has passed.


Others were hoping for some gameplay and are wondering when the studio plans on releasing it.

And the disappointment continues.


Overall, people are unhappy with what Ubisoft has shown after so long.


There clearly needs to be more shown to win fans over.

It may be the case that we get to see some gameplay soon, but the studio needs to listen to the fans if they want there to be interest in the title.


Other Prince of Persia Titles Getting Updates this Year

At least we now know when to expect the game.
At least we now know when to expect the game.

Fans will have to wait for the original game in the series, but there is some hope. The Rogue Prince of Persia and The Lost Crown are getting new content soon. DLC is planned for The Lost Crown, while The Rogue will be getting the Temple of Fire update soon as well.

It’s good to see the studio branching out and trying new approaches for games in the same franchise. This isn’t new, as there have been games in the past that broke the typical Prince of Persia format, but it’s clear the studio has no plans to let go of this property anytime soon.

However, with such a long wait, it’s up to the developers to release some substantial information for the game and make it soon. Loyalty for a title can only go so far, and it’s only a matter of time before anticipation turns into annoyance.


Do you think the game will stick to the 2026 release schedule? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 314

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.