Sam Raimi Dropped a Hint About 1 Avenger Who Ridiculed Loki in Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man Movie After Failed Attempt at Hugh Jackman’s Cameo

Sam Raimi managed to put in a delightful surprise for Marvel fans in Spider-Man 2 with a surprising easter egg.

J. Jonah Jameson and Loki


  • Sam Raimi directed the 2000s Spider-Man trilogy with Tobey Maguire.
  • The Marvel films at the time were not interconnected at the time like the MCU.
  • However, Raimi hinted at a larger Marvel universe with a surprising Doctor Strange namedrop.
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Sam Raimi was among the filmmakers who added to the rise and popularity of the superhero genre after Blade and X-Men with his Spider-Man trilogy with Tobey Maguire. The first two films have been considered landmarks that changed the genre, providing character depth and emotion that made the films more than just action spectacles.

Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2 | Sony Pictures Releasing
Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/ Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2 | Sony Pictures Releasing

At the time, Marvel films were not interconnected like the MCU today and were separate entities. Fox’s X-Men and Sony’s Spider-Man films did not share storylines or reference each other at all. However, J.K Simmons’s J. Jonah Jameson makes a subtle Doctor Strange namedrop, a character who would become a major MCU character and a full circle moment for Raimi himself.

Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 Has a Doctor Strange Reference Despite No Shared Universes

Before Bemedoct Cimberbatcj debit in Doctor Strabge, the charter was mwntioned in Spider-Man 2 | Marvel Stidios
Before Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange, the character was mentioned in Spider-Man 2 | Marvel Studios

Sam Raimi’s foray into the superhero genre started with 2002’s Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire playing the titular character. Fans loved Maguire’s portrayal of the character and the first film was a huge hit. With Spider-Man 2 in 2004, Raimi delved deeper into Peter Parker more than the superhero himself, exploring his flaws and what makes him human, which was praised by audiences.


The Spider-Man films came along after the success of Blade and X-Men, ushering in a new wave of superhero films that focused on the expected comic book spectacle while also telling intriguing stories within them. None of these films were interconnected at the time, although Sony tried to include Hugh Jackman‘s Wolverine but didn’t materialize (via HuffPost).

However, Raimi hinted at a potential larger universe within the Spider-Man films with his Doctor Strange namedrop in Spider-Man 2. The scene involves J.K Simmons’s J. Jonah Jameson brainstorming names for Doc Oak played by Alfred Molina who has turned evil. While his assistant Hoffman suggests the name, Doctor Strange, Jameson acknowledges that the name has been taken.

Doctor Strange would eventually be a part of the MCU played by Benedict Cumberbatch. He has appeared in multiple films in the franchise including Doctor Strange, Thor: Ragnarok (cameo appearance in a scene sealing scene with Loki and Thor), the two Avengers films, and Doctor Strange 2. Raimi’s subtle ‘unknowing’ reference also came full circle as he directed the latter in 2022.


Sam Raimi Has Not Talked to Tobey Maguire For a New Spider-Man Film

Tobey Maguire in S[ider-Man: No Way home | Marvel studios
Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man: No Way Home | Sony Pictures Releasing
Back in the early 2010s, Sony and Sam Raimi were about to do a 4th Spider-Man film after the box office success of Spider-Man 3 (although it was not loved by fans). But it was ultimately canceled and years later, Maguire reprised his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home, sparking further interest in audiences about seeing Maguire in a solo Spider-Man film again.

In an interview with CBR, Raimi stated that he has not talked to Maguire about collaborating on a possible fourth solo film. He has a great relationship with Marvel as Doctor Strange 2 was a huge hit for the studio. The director further claimed that he would hear from the studio if it was in the works. He said,

I haven’t talked to Tobey about [a fourth movie with me], but maybe Marvel has or Columbia Pictures. I just worked with Marvel on a movie called ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.’ So, I’m on great terms with them. I’m sure I would hear about it if it was in the works.

This film looks unlikely to happen as Sony and Marvel are currently in pre-production on the 4th Spider-Man film with Tom Holland. The studios wouldn’t want two live-action Spider-Men existing in separate films in the same era. However, Maguire could appear in the MCU (as rumors have been circulating) in the upcoming Avengers films.


Fans can watch Maguire in Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy on Disney+. 


Written by Rahul Thokchom

Articles Published: 1027

Rahul Thokchom is a content writer at Fandomwire who is passionate about covering the world of pop culture and entertainment. He has a Masters Degree in English that contributes to the richness and creativity in his works.